A Buddha CD Install

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Timm

    At present I don't need older ROMs, in the future I may install a rom switcher on one Amiga, most likely the A1200. I know Hyperion moved software from the ROMs to RAM/HD to make room for new features on the ROMs.



  • Timm

    I had NO problems installing CD/DVD support on my 3.2 ROMS and OS3.2.2 the buddha works great in mounting the CD/DVD and even works with the MakeCD software. I use Rewriteable CDs and windozzz PCs can read them, erase them as well. At one time I had two CD/DVD's mounted at the same time, one from the buddha and one during the OS3.2 installation. So, the buddha is more compatible with 3.2 ROMs and OS3.2.2 that you are saying. I have a set of 3.1 ROMs for my A3000D and I will install them and load OS3.2.2 and see how that works. I have over 30GB of games I bought on eBay, I don't play game I bought them because it was a good deal at the time I don't have joy a stick but plan to buy a set and test some games out.

    I still have an issue with the DOM not being able to choose FFS or PFS during installation of the HD it is stuck on PFS and greyed out.

  • I still have an issue with the DOM not being able to choose FFS or PFS during installation of the HD it is stuck on PFS and greyed out.

    That's because FFS can't handle large devices without lots of patches. If you use a medium that's 2G or less, you should be able to choose FFS ( Timm will correct me if I'm wrong here).


    Edited once, last by Jens: Corrected size limit ().

  • have a set of 3.1 ROMs for my A3000D and I will install them and load OS3.2.2 and see how that works.

    - You will find OS3.2 not working on OS3.1 ROMs if it was installed on OS3.2 ROMs.

    - You will find OS3.2 working on OS3.1 ROMs if it was installed on OS3.1 ROMs (obviously) and you will find it working on OS3.2 ROMs.

    Hence the recommendation: Install OS3.2 on OS3.1 ROMs. You can take the installed system to other machines with OS3.1 ROMs.

  • Ok, that's a safety feature of the DOM that's why I can't choose FFS I wasn't aware of this, it's not in the manual.

    I have many HDs to partition to less than 4GB to meet the requirements.

    I was curious because I never used 3.1 ROMS with OS3.2 I bought them together and installed them on my A3000T.

    The only time I had 3.2 ROMS and booted using my SCSI drive which had OS3.9. I was trying to save $$ on upgrading my A3000D, it didn't have a CD until I bought my 2nd buddha from you. On my A1200 it had old ROMs 2.x I need to check so I upgraded it to 3.2 ROMs. All of my Amigas have 3.2 ROMs and OS3.2.2 on them. To do what you say I need buy 2 sets of 3.1 ROMs for my A1200 and A3000D for software combability. For my A3000T I have 40.068 ROMs which are 3.1 that I bought from my Amiga dealer. I was looking them up and some where I found they were for an A4000, these were Eproms and the labels faded out so I relabeled them may have got the numbers wrong back in 1996-7. The 390629-02 and 390630-02 are for my A1200 I think, can you check. The only way to find out is to put 40.068 ROMs in my A3000T and check the version. Then I can install OS3.1 from the buddha and install OS3.5 or 3.9 which I bought way back in 1996-7-8 these are the only OS's that survived all these years as they are on CDs. All my floppies have turned to dust. I checked the A3000T ROMs are KS3.1

    Thanks for clearing things up for me.