A Buddha CD Install

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Here is a better CD install script file for the Buddha IDE.

    Go to BuddhaInstall, Buddha_CD_Install, rename Install to Install.OLD, replace it with my Install and give it a try.

  • -Jens

    I mentioned this install script for the CD would NOT find the buddhascsi.device. By changing the scsi.device to buddhascsi.device in two key lines of the script, it now sails automatically It only stops to ask what to namel the CD, i.e. CD0, CD1, CDROM, ect. Why don't go find an Amiga and try it out.

  • Took a quick look at the file now, and it's from the old Elaborate Bytes CD-installation routine. That's not recommended any more; the new installer on the DOM will do all the installation, including CD drives.


  • -Jens

    When I bought the buddha(s) from you this Install file is what was on the DOMs. I did update 20220611. I haven't seen other updates as the buddhas have been running great. What is the latest update and its location.

  • -Jens

    I see that 20220611 is the latest buddha update that I found. I wasn't aware that the CD install is installed during the HD install. That was about the time my wife passed away and other things on my mind. Tried it on a new drive and it does work great. I see in the readme file that I have a choice of FFS or PFS bit I don't see where to choose? It comes up with PFS grayed out no way to choose. My IDE HD is 40GB so it will create one partition called WB. I will try a 160GB drive.

  • The choice of FFS or PFS is only for harddrives, not the CD drives. The installer should actually prefer PFS - I wouldn't know why it may grey out the option.


  • -Jens

    I know that the file system is only for HD's!

    I have no choice but to use PFS this is the case for either of the DOMs.

    I also reinstalled the update 20220611. With DOM in the right IDE it does boot up but it does not see any IDE drives. When I put the DOM in the left IDE and the HDs & CD in the right IDE the DOM sees the attached IDE drive and will format it using 3.1 but I still see the PFS greyed out and can't make a choice. The CD is also installed (works like my Install script). At times the DOM does work in the right IDE. I believe it may be because the HDs are already formatted, and it confuses the poor buddha. This is the same with both DOMs and buddha in the A3000D and A3000T! I will install an HD with no filesystem and see if this fixes the issue. If it does, I would call this software bug! I checked the resistor, and it is fine. Please change the black jumper with red or green to be seen easier. All of my windozzz pc's don't have an IDE support, I will use one my adapters to go from IDE to SATA.

  • -Jens

    I formatted the Maxstor 160gb IDE drive on my windozzz pc and it detected in disk management as two drives one 100MB and the other 157GB,

    I installed and formatted it but the 100mb partition I couldn't do anything with, is there something the buddha does that uses a 100mb partition.?

    I then connected it to my a3000T and put the DOM in the right IDE slot and the Maxstor and CD drive on the left IDE slot am it worked but I had to install it twice as it would not boot up to workbench 3.1 the first time. The second installing of the drive worked just fine. Looks like there something the buddha doesn't like. Here pictures of what I got.

  • The choice of FFS or PFS is only for harddrives, not the CD drives. The installer should actually prefer PFS - I wouldn't know why it may grey out the option.

    PFS is absolutely preferred, and the button is greyed out if according to the automatic partitioning scheme a partition is created which I considered too big for FFS. In that case, it reads PFS, and FFS can't be selected. For this I have set an arbitrary limit of 2GB.

    Edited once, last by Timm: Clarification ().

  • What's confusing in the pictures is that it reads 3.2 ROM, 1.3 Workbench, and it looks like you are repeatedly trying to install the Buddha Update/Restore package in this setup. (This makes no sense. It would be wrong to copy things from the Buddha Update/Restore package to the DOM - see Buddha Update/Restore documentation.)

  • -Jens

    The way you identify the IDE connectors on the buddha right IDE, left IDE connectors. When looking at the buddha your left IDE connector there is a P1 on the silk screen, the other IDE connector your right has no P number by it is that P2? I have P1 IDE connector going to the HD and CD. The DOM is in your right IDE connector with the jumper installed. (See picture of my A3000T above it has the white label looking at it is on your left IDE connector.) P1 is NOT mentioned anywhere in the doc.

    I have 3.2 ROMs on my A3000D/T and installing WB3.1 to the HD via buddha. Then I will install WB3.2 to the HD. I don't have 1.3 WB. I installed 20220611 update for the buddha(s) as to the BuddhaUpdateRestore doc. I never copied any file to the buddha except for the Install script that I modified. I run the UpdateRestore software from the HD. On the Install Options picture above you can see I chose WB3.1. I repeated the above again and still I WB 40.42. This is the first buddha I bought that I called the lemon buddha. The other buddha is in the 3000D. I have tried the two DOMs.

    What do you suggest I do now?

  • he other IDE connector your right has no P number by it is that P2?

    Yes, the "P2" may be covered by the jumper. I believe I have never referenced the ports by their P numbers in any manual. The ports should be 100% equal, as they share all but the select signals. The power jumper will of course make a difference for the DOM (so you may want to check if the jumper you're using for the other port has firm contact), but other than that, choice of ports is

    Options picture above you can see I chose WB3.1. I repeated the above again and still I WB 40.42.

    That's expected. Kick/WB3.1 is a V40-point-something version number. You shouldn not use it with Kick3.2, though, as the icon.library is not in that ROM, so you get the requester as shown in one of your pictures.

    What do you suggest I do now?

    Just use it. It appears to do what's expected. Just don't mix it with the wrong Kickstart ROM.


  • When does it show up what's shown in pictures P1010200.JPG and P1010203.JPG?

    Do you initiate something manually or where/when does this appear?

  • Timm

    P1010200 showed up when I used the DOM to install OS3.1 and rebooted and I typed Loadwb and got P1010202 canceled system request and got P1010203. I rebooted back to the Buddha Install and it would not detect the HD. I formatted the drive on m PC using windozzz 10 Disk Management and it detect the drive device 0 and 1, device 0 was 100MB and device 1 was 473GB. I could not do anything with 0 but 1 I could Initialized and formatted it.

    I took it back to the Amiga, the Buddha detected the drive and install OS3.1 then all was ok. I then installed the CD driver then install OS3.2 from the CD. Does the Buddha create a 100MB partition and makes it protected? I had this happen before and had to format DHs on the PC so the Buddha would see them.

  • This is a very unexpected situation: WB 1.3.3 on OS3.2, and Device pipe: already mounted.

    The Pipe handler happens to be used in the Buddha Update/Restore procedure. To me it looks like you might have copied the Update/Restore package - partially or in its entirety - over a former installation, on SYS: level. The Buddha Update/Restore package comes in a directory/folder of its own, and it needs to be invoked from this directory, No manual copying is involved.

    I'm not sure if that can fully explain it, but if that was the case, this cannot be corrected. A new OS installation would be required.

    Our OS installer shows the right version (1.4), so at some point the Restore/Update procedure went through, or was not needed.

    Edit: Or maybe it's much simpler than that, and these screenshots are simply showing a WB 1.3 installation on OS3.2 ROMs. WB 1.3 installations (probably) would not work with OS3.2 ROMs. Sorry for speculations. We just need to understand what was going on here.

    Edited 2 times, last by Timm ().

  • I just tested booting WB 1.3 on OS 3.2 ROM.

    This looks exactly like in your screenshots. Unfortunately, WB 1.3 does NOT work properly on OS 3.2 ROM.

    If you need WB 1.3, you must remove the OS3.2 ROM chips and replace them with OS3.1 ROMs.

    For compatibility, OS3.2 ROM chips are a very bad choice.

    With OS3.1 ROMs everything works - WB 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2.

  • Timm

    I don't need 1.3. I may have selected 1.3 from the buddha install in stead of 3.1. I corrected it. The OS3.2 manual states if I have 1.3 on my HD I can install 3.2 on the HD and any incompatible files will be removed and OS3.2 will be installed, which works great. Thats how I been installing my O3.2 and NOT mixing any OS's. The only problem was due to the first buddha IDE as I explained on previous posts.

    Why is 3.2 ROMs a bad choice? This right from Hyperion who owns the Commodore / Amiga rights. I have been using OS3.2 and it is very stable. Please explain why it's a bad choice.?

    On another issue.

    I have CrossDos 7 Gold. It is capable of R/W MS-DOS hard drives but the buddha can't find the HD. I believe it due to the buddhascsi.device in the mount list, DOS drivers list. I need some way of getting files from my windozzz pc to my amiga. I can do this by burning them on a rewriteable CD from my pc and my Amiga can read them and works great, but it takes time. One media that the PC and the Amigas have in common is SD media using IDE2SD adapter. If I can get CrossDos to read MS-DOS FAT32 through the buddha. Is there a way for the buddha to see the CD card and not alter it? CrossDos uses the crossdosfilesystem in the L directory. You can see the error message I get.

    Thanks for any help.

  • I don't need 1.3. I may have selected 1.3 from the buddha install in stead of 3.1. I corrected it. The OS3.2 manual states if I have 1.3 on my HD I can install 3.2 on the HD and any incompatible files will be removed and OS3.2 will be installed, which works great. Thats how I been installing my O3.2 and NOT mixing any OS's. The only problem was due to the first buddha IDE as I explained on previous posts.

    Why is 3.2 ROMs a bad choice? This right from Hyperion who owns the Commodore / Amiga rights. I have been using OS3.2 and it is very stable. Please explain why it's a bad choice.?

    OS 3.2 ROMs are a bad choice with regard to compatibility with other OS versions. That's not to say that OS 3.2 Workbench is a bad choice in general.

    We went to great lengths to extend the compatibility of the Buddha product to OS 3.2 - also due to your and other valued customers' feedback. That was challenging when the user has OS 3.2 ROMs installed, because 3.2 has moved several system components from ROM to disk, and this becomes a problem if the user is not installing a 3.2 WB, but some other version.

    The Buddha product comes with licenses for WB 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1 - OS 3.2 is a separate product. What's important in this context is that our installer is an option that solves many problems that users often struggle with if they install WB versions up to 3.1 for the first time, especially on big media.

    If you are entirely happy with just OS 3.2, you can install 3.2 with the 3.2 installation procedure, and leave the Buddha's installer alone. But then you are on your own with regard to CDROM/DVD support. Of course there is a licensed CDROM filesystem handler and CDROM mountlist examples in Storage/DOSDrivers on the Buddha's install DOM. Installing these, if you are not using our installer, is a manual procedure - albeit harmless, for Amiga experts.

    Since the Buddha's installer update to version 1.4, it is possible to install WB 3.1 on OS 3.2 ROMs, and you get CDROM/DVD support provided by our installer. It is then possible for the user to keep the WB 3.1 installation - or to update it to 3.2.

    It's about options. My personal recommendation is to keep OS 3.1 ROMs, even if you intend to install 3.2, because this results in a more compatible setup. It results in an installation of WB 3.2 (and 3.1, if you are using our installer) that can work on both OS 3.1 and 3.2 ROMs.

    See also the README on the Buddha DOM for some more of the peculiar details.

    Edited once, last by Timm ().