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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • GardnerKE

    Replied to the thread Original Buddha question!.
    Here is a picture of my Buddha Flash. I hope this is good enough for you to tell if it is an original.
  • merty

    Replied to the thread Major problem with indivision mk3.
    perfect . great thanx

  • Jens

    Replied to the thread Original Buddha question!.
    First of all, we should find out what version of the Buddha you actually have. There have been so many over the years that I don't believe any claim of "original" unless we have really established that it's the green DIL-board, made in 1997. If in…
  • Jens

    Replied to the thread Major problem with indivision mk3.
    (Quote from merty)

    easily, yes.

  • merty

    Replied to the thread Major problem with indivision mk3.
    Hello Jens again...
    out of the blue I got into a situaiton that I must move my music studio so I couldnt find a time to mess around with my amiga. it will take my some time.
    meanwhile ... I'm thinking of getting your CA-PSU. do you think it will carry…
  • GardnerKE

    Posted the thread Original Buddha question!.
    Hi Guys, I have an original Buddha that I have had in my A3000D for several years now. It works fine but I was wondering if there is a firmware update for it.
    Also, I got an adapter board for an m.2 SATA 64Gb ssd and a 44pin to 40 pin IDE adapter…
  • Jens

    This just means that the monitor just hangs on to the HDMI signal, although it does not contain any sync signals any more. You could try to play with inverting the sync signals (which will also invert the idle state) - this might change the monitor's…
  • Jens

    This may indicate a power supply problem. Please measure the 5V rail - I suspect that it's below 4.7V.

    Further, LS types *should* be replaced with HCT types, not HC types. HCT will be less prone to malfunction under low-voltage conditions.

  • rpierce916

    Greetings, here's a picture of mine with the 1221 inside the Plexilaser case with the cover on. Everything fits and looks great.

  • A3000T

    After replacing the so-called self-healing (K) fuse both of my Buddha Plus One cards are working great. I modified all of my DOMs and IDE2SATA adapter cards so they cannot be miss installed.
  • angelo.carzis

    Replacing the 74LS157 with its HC counterpart caused more issues.
    Upon bootup into my normal (RTG) workbench screen, the mouse pointer would jump around the screen.
    I reverted to the LS version.
  • I am experiencing the same issue with my HDMI monitor. Even though the monitor is configured to auto switch its input source, for some reason it doesn't switch over when I enter RTG mode. I know indiswitcher is working though because I tested the VGA…
  • Jens

    Replied to the thread aca500plus firmware.
    I love problems that resolve on their own :-) (you've probably discovered that you should use CF cards, not SD, and that there is a de-brick mode).

  • thecaver99

    Replied to the thread aca500plus firmware.
    ive managed to flash both files now
  • You need to remove the USB power connection, of course - otherwise the cart won't fit at all. It's a deliberate choice.

  • eBench

    I was excited to receive the ACE2b on Monday, July 15, 2024. Thank you very much for the fast shipping service!

    Please allow me to describe the initial configuration of my Amiga 2000 for base reference before installation.

    I have been…
  • thecaver99

    Posted the thread aca500plus firmware.
    i received my aca500plus and worked out the firmware was out of date, i downloaded the menu update and the installer update.
    in menu i pressed F8 and updated the menu just fine but i cant seem to update the installer, im using the same 2gb sd card that…
  • -trb-

    Replied to the thread MMC64 BIOS Source Code.
    I'll try to get some information from people who actually created avf video files.
  • Do you have it plugged in all the way? On my C64C, you have to push pretty hard to get it seated into the expansion port properly.
  • Tobias

    Replied to the thread MMC64 BIOS Source Code.

    Hehe, i see :) I don't have MP3@64 either (never had one), so i wouldn't know for sure :)