Note: This is a translation of the original document, to the best of our knowledge. However, only the original German version is legally binding.
Special terms of use for forum registration in the forum:
§ 1 Scope of these terms
(1) The following conditions apply to the use of the forum, hereinafter referred to as "Our website". For the use of the forum it is important that you as a user follow the following forum rules and accept the terms and conditions. The registration and use of our forum is free of charge.
(2) By registering, you agree to the terms of use of our website. With your consent, you guarantee that you will not create Posts that violate the Terms of Use.
(3) The use of our website does not result in any contract between the users and iComp GmbH.
(4) There is no right to participate in this forum. The domiciliary rights of the operator remain.
(5) German law applies. No other place of jurisdiction can be derived from the possibility to access the website(s) from another country.
§ 2 Obligations as forum users/forum users
(1) One of your duties as a user is not to make any contributions that violate these forum rules, morality, or otherwise violate applicable German or European law.
The following points are not approved:
1. to publish content which is untrue and the publication of which would lead to a a criminal offence or a misdemeanor,
2. sending spam to other forum users via the forum,
3. use of content protected by copyright and trademark law without legal authorization (e.g. press releases etc.),
4. acts which are anti-competitive,
5. multiple posting of topics in the forum (so-called double postings),
6. to place own advertising, resulting in surreptitious advertising/product placement
7. publish content that is offensive, racist, discriminatory towards other users and/or the general public or has pornographic elements.
8. to use the forum through an automated program, a so-called "bot".
It is your duty as a forum user to refer to § 2 paragraph 1 no. 1-8 of these terms of use before publishing your post in the forum and check whether you have adhered to these points.
(2) If you violate § 2 paragraph 1 no. 1-8 of these terms of use, we reserve the right to take the following steps against you:
1. delete and/or modify your posts,
2. prohibition to continue posting in the forum and
3. blocking further access.
(3) If you as a forum user did not observe the forum rules and this has resulted in possible legal infringements, which may be caused by your published content in our forum (breach of duty), you commit to indemnify iComp GmbH from any claims, including, but not limited to claims for damages, and to reimburse costs incurred.
In addition, the user is obliged to support us, in the event of claims for damages, with regard to the defence against the infringement of the law arising therefrom (for breach of duty, see above), and to cover the costs of an appropriate legal defense for us.
(4) With your consent, you guarantee that you will not make any contributions that violate the Terms of Use. The same applies also for setting external
links and signatures.
§ 3 Transfer of usage rights
You, as a forum user, have the sole responsibility to observe copyright in the sense of the copyright law in the case of publication of contributions and topics in the forum. With publication of your post in our forum, you grant us the right to keep the post permanently available for public retrieval. Furthermore, our team has the right to to delete, edit and move topics and contributions within our web pages, to combine or link them with other content. Furthermore you grant us the right to publish your contributions in full or partially in articles which will be published in our Wiki.
§ 4 Limitation of liability
(1) We do not assume responsibility for published postings, topics, external links and the resulting contents in the forum, in particular not for their correctness, completeness and topicality. We are also not obliged to permanently check and to monitor the transmitted and the stored contributions of users or to investigate whether they point to illegal content. We are only liable in the case of intentional or grossly negligent conduct breach of duty.
(2) We expressly point out that technical contributions and discussions in the forum are completely non-binding. Use of the contributions is at your own risk. In critical cases, which the user has to evaluate on his own, the provided information must be checked by a specialist before use, especially if such given information was not posted by an authorized employee of individual Computers GmbH
(3) According to § 7 Abs. 1 TMG we, as a service provider, are responsible for own content on this website according to applicable laws. However according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not obliged to check or to monitor the transmitted or stored external information. Such content is removed immediately (applying the legal meaning of "unverzüglich" in German law) from the moment of knowledge of a concrete violation of the law and we are liable not before the time of knowledge.
(4) Limitation of liability for external links Our website contains so-called "external links" (links to third-party websites), where we have no influence on the content and for which, for this reason we assume no liability. Only the respective information provider of the linked website(s) is responsible for the content and correctness of the information. At the time the link was placed, no legal offences were obvious for us. Should we become aware of a violation of the law, the respective link will be deleted by us immediately (applying the legal meaning of "unverzüglich" in German law).
(5) Permanent uninterrupted operation of the web page is not guaranteed. Any liability in this regard is hereby expressly excluded. Unfortunately, even with great care, downtimes cannot be avoided.
§ 5 Copyright
(1) All texts, images and other material published on our website are protected by copyright. Unless otherwise indicated, information and data are subject to the copyright of the respective authors. Any form of reproduction and/or modification must be authorized by our written consent. If we do not respond to such a request, it shall be deemed to be a refusal. Otherwise we reserve the right to take legal action against this infringement.
(2) All costs caused by an infringement of law by a user will be invoiced to the user.
(3) Income that has been generated with our content without our approval, even if only partly achieved through the use of our content, belong 100% to the individual Computers GmbH. This applies in particular to the use of our content in so-called "digest" collections, which we usually do not agree to.
§ 6 Right of modification
We have the right to change the terms of use at any time. The change will then be published on the website via a forum entry.
§ 7 Termination and term of membership of our website
The term of membership begins with the registration and with the agreement to our terms of use and persists an indefinite period of time. Membership can be terminated at any time without giving reasons. The rights and obligations of these terms remain in place, even after termination of membership.
§ 8 Data protection
The privacy policy declaration of individual Computers GmbH applies.
§ 9 Severability clause
These Forum Terms of Use are to be regarded as part of our web pages, from which they are linked to this page. Should individual formulations of these Forum Terms of Use no longer wholly or no longer fully be compliant with the current legal situation, it is to be assumed that the remaining regulations of the Forum Terms of Use remain valid.
modified by representatives of individual Computers GmbH