C64 OS in TC64

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi,

    C64 OS comes with an SD Card containing the files for the installation. Is there a way to mount the SD CARD or some directory in the SD CARD inserted into TC64 as Drive 8? TC64 can mount D64 files but those are too small for copying C64 OS. There is a guide for installing it with SD2IEC (that mounts the SD CARD as Drive 8 ) or using VICE with HD alternatives.

    Any help or clues are welcomed.

    Thanks and regards


  • In theory, the resources are there: We could give one of the emulated drives (#9 would make sense) access to the 4MByte chunk that is used for Georam, and "someone" (none of the iComp developers) writes a firmware for that emulated 1541 that will give access to that 4MByte chunk, which can be pre-loaded with an image that contains the C64OS files. Maybe that chunk can be bigger, maybe we can even provide access to the SD card itself - we can always make a decision on that if there's a programmer who is willing to take on the task.

    I believe I've made this suggestion a number of times before - must have been during the time when the Chameleon betatester Yahoo group was still active. Nobody ever came forward and said "I'll write such a firmware!". While this didn't happen, we don't spend time making these changes to the core, as that will still require work for implementing and testing stuff that was originally never meant to be in the product.
