P96 Download Expired

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  • Now set to expiry date February 20th, 2023. Please do download at all - back end indicates that you've never even attempted the download.

  • Hi Jens

    Download expired after 1 Year, which is probably fine, but what next ?

    Need to buy again ?

    I downloaded all version, except for last one.

    Date: 27.11.2021
    Order: 108194



  • Expiry date of that download set to 2023-02-28. Be quick - that's only 15 hours to download the file. THis is only possible because the version of August 28th, 2022 is the last one, so that's still within your free update period.

    For the upconimg V3.3.3 (or possibly a higher version number, depending on the current work on Mediator-workarounds), please re-purchase. Continued work does cost continued money!


  • Same situation (P96 and AmiTCP)

    Let me know the order number - if it's "just over" the free update period, I'm happy to re-activate the download, provided that you haven't shouted out load that you don't care for updates with a choice of minimum price :-)


  • Let me know the order number - if it's "just over" the free update period, I'm happy to re-activate the download, provided that you haven't shouted out load that you don't care for updates with a choice of minimum price :-)


    My order ID is: 118912

  • Hi,

    My order number is 114414 which expired 11 March. I was too slow and missed the release of V3.3.3 on 6 March and now I cannot download it.

    Would it be possible to renable my downloads for a day or two so I can get V3.3.3?

    Thanks in anticipation.


  • Hi,

    I've seen this thread today and I am in the same situation as others before.

    Can you allow me to download P96?

    Date: 25.11.2021

    Order: 108114

    Thanks in advance

  • Sorry, but the situation is not the same here - the purchase is well over one year ago, and you've downloaded updates without any problem. The latest version came out well after your free update period expired.

    Please continue to support continued work, in other words: Please make a new purchase. We'll publish a new version shortly (just trying to figure out how I can do that from here!).


  • We'll publish a new version shortly (just trying to figure out how I can do that from here!).

    Releasre of this new version will be delayed by at least one week, as some problems with the new version have been identified, and these should be fixed first.


  • It would be a hassle to dig out the other file and make that available to you. You should have downloaded during your paid update period. The easiest way would of course be to make a new purchase and download the latest version V3.4.0, showing your support for the project and chipping in a little bit of money to reduce the loss that we've made with it so far.


  • Understood and sorry to hear that this excellent project is loss making. I am happy to show my continued support and have just repurchased. On a separate note, is there any way of knowing when new versions are released (e.g. email notification etc) other than checking the forums? Keep up the great work and thank you.

  • We have an RSS news feed, but I understand that this is a fairly old protocol. I could use the "product availability notifications" - will see if I remember that with the next update. I always try to keep eMail usage for marketing as low as possible, because I know how annoying it is to delete unwanted eMail.


  • Hi,

    I would like to download the latest P96 3.4.1, but only get hold on 3.4.0.

    Last order was last summer: 64d64bfbe4cb8 (24W11355XG418592R) should still be in update period.
