NES Core

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • No one?

    Sorry, I've been a bit preoccupied with real-world stuff.

    To use save RAM, you need to create an empty file on the SD card, 8kb in size, with the file extension ".SAV".

    Load your ROM, then select "Mount SRAM" from the menu and choose your .SAV file.

    The "Write SRAM" menu item will write the SRAM to the previously-mounted .SAV file.

    (Just in case it's not clear, the .SAV files imitate the non-volatile memory found in some cartridges for saving game progress - they're not intended to be anything like an emulator's save state - so for games which didn't contain non-volatile storage they won't do anything.)

  • Thank You very much. :)
    Could You tell me - step by step - how can I create this 8kb .SAV file, please?

    Here's a blank save file (zipped because the forum won't allow me to upload it otherwise) - copy the blank.sav file to the SD card, and rename it to something suitable. (You need a different .sav file for each game which supports non-volatile RAM.)

  • Thank You! :)
    Do You plan to create and add possibility of saving game progress (like emulator's save state) in NES / GENESIS emulators?
    Is it possible at all?
    Great job, by the way. :)

  • After loading game ROM and mounting SRAM file, when I try to use "Write SRAM", the emulator's menu is stuck on screen and I can not back to the game (game is running in background of course, it is "Kung Fu" game in my case)...

  • On "Kirby's Adventure" which supports SRAM, when I mount SRAM, game freezes.
    And when I try to open emulator's menu, it also freezes.

    I can confirm that Kirby's Adventure freezes when you load the SRAM file - but it's OK after a reset from the menu.

    If the menu won't open (and if selecting Write SRAM causes the menu to lock up) that sounds like it could be SD-card related.

    (Trying another SD card is usually the first step in troubleshooting these cores. I have a MiST, a V1 Chameleon, a V2 Chameleon and a few other random boards - and I've found occasional cards that will refuse to work on one device but be fine on all the others. Micro-SD-to-full-size-SD adapters can be a source of trouble, too.)

  • How can You make reset from the NES emulator's menu?
    In my case after loading SRAM file, menu completly freezes...
    I've tried my second SD card, but still the same issue...
    Do You have any SD card recommendations?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.