Indivision AGA MK3 for A1200

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  • 1 - Why do you not send the cards with the last update?. Customers will appreciate.

    We do not unpack all packed-and-known-good units whenever there is an update.

    2 - How in a 1200 in which everything works fine, and of course, all the video outputs, the only device that fails to work is the MK3, even with a re-solder of Lisa and all the steps to verify that the 1200 are OK?. Of course the MK3 doesn't works on my other 1200.

    There's a number of possibilities for that - already discussed in this thread: Bad contact (not properly installed) and weak power supply are the most common causes.

    In order to respect the European laws of guaranty, I chose to receive another new card,

    Interesting interpretation of EU regulations. I choose not to go with that, and make this a revocation. Feel free to order again when the likely causes in your system are fixed.

  • Why do you not send the cards with the last update?. Customers will appreciate.

    Had the same problem with my monitor. And use my IndiAGAmk3Rescue ADF which is on this link. Hope that it work for you and then use the new 1.9 update.

    Have now three Indivision AGA MK3s on my A1200s and it works great. For me it’s a big step forward than the old Indivision AGA MK2CR. Use only VGA which my monitor have.

    The CA-PSU is the best PSU I ever used for my A1200s. Hope that a new version come out. Recap is also very important if not than you can have a lot of problems. There are so many things which can happens with a very old A1200 motherboard.

    Like problems with my A1200s that alone is a great challenge. There is always things to change which works better.

    A1200 GHOST Rev2B RECAP TSB 2020 / CA-PSU / Indivision AGA MK3 / Blizzard 1230 IV

    A1200 CD32 Rev1D.4 RECAP TSB 2019 / CA-PSU / Indivision AGA MK3 / ACA1234-50
    A1200 BLACK Rev2B RECAP TSB 2018 / CA-PSU / Indivision AGA MK3 /
    Blizzard 1230 IV

    A1200 TRANSLUCENT Rev1D.4 RECAP TSB 2018 /
    CA-PSU / Indivision AGA MK2CR / ACA1233-55 LE
    A500 BLACK Rev6A / CA-PSU / ACE2 / Indivision ECS V1-V2 / ACA500Plus V1-V2 / ACA1221 Rev1.3 / ACA1233n-55

    C64R MK1-MK2 TRANSPARENT 2015 DM / iComp 12V 2.0A / TC64 V1

  • Had the same problem with my monitor. And use my IndiAGAmk3Rescue ADF which is on this link. Hope that it work for you and then use the new 1.9 update.

    Ha Johan, nice to see my file is still in the cloud on the Amiga Cafe site :thumbup:

    A1200 Rev2B OS 3.2| SanDisk CF64GB | Blizzard 1230 IV 64MB FPU 68882/50 | Indivision AGA MK3 | CA-PSU | Eizo S1933 | Bose Companion 2 series III

    A500 Rev6A OS 3.2| SanDisk CF16GB | ACA500+ V2 / Blizzard 1230 IV 32MB | Indivision ECS V3 | ACE2b | CA-PSU | Eizo S1933 | Bose Companion 2 series III

    A1200 Rev2B OS3.2.2 | Black Edition | SanDisk MSD32GB | PistormLite32 | Indivision AGA MK3 | RTG Picaso96 1280x1024| CA-PSU | Eizo S1933

    iAmiga 27" | OS 3.2 FS-UAE | SDD 1 TB | RTG Picaso96 2560x1440

  • Petitsuisse expressed clearly that he did not want to keep ther unit.I refunded the money, so no need to discuss that case any further.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.