Indivision AGA MK3 for A1200

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  • i have a question regarding the HDMI/VGA connector. Is it also possible to mount it to the place where the RF modulator was?

    Sure, that'll work - the circuit board has additional mounting holes that will be useful for some bracket that you'll have to build.

  • I wasn't in the office yesterday - sorry for the delay in answering this.

    Since Vampire 1200 has "all the power" over chip registers, it's up to them to keep thr three registers free that we've been using for ages.

    They felt like it's a good idea to block access to our registers for the ECS version, and we already made a "step sideways" to go out of their "we don't care"-way for the ECS V2 config tool. We'll do the same for the MK3, but can't guarantee that it works with a non-680x0-accelerator.

  • I read that on the Vampire1200/MKIIcr combination it’s mandatory to patch the config tool.
    is it going to be the same with the MKIII?
    I am asking because I was wondering which party supplied the patch.

  • I read that on the Vampire1200/MKIIcr combination it’s mandatory to patch the config tool.

    Yep, the typical Vampire approach: If the Vampire can't comply with the Amiga, the Amiga must comply with the Vampire. There's a number of other patches required in order to make other things work, as you might have noticed :-)

    is it going to be the same with the MKIII?
    I am asking because I was wondering which party supplied the patch.

    After I have paid for the patch on Indivision ECS V2 (and never even got a thank-you from any of the Vampire team members), I asked if they'll pay for the MK2 patch, which they refused. Instead, they went their guerilla way.

    Since we're in development of the MK3 config tool anyway, it's easy to do exactly what we did on the Indivision ECS V2 tool. As much as I hate to step sideways in order to make room for a wreckless driver, I am doing it to avoid a new conflict. This may or may not make my flickerfixer a better product, but it certainly doesn't make the Vampire a valid occupant of already-taken register spaces.

  • Ok that’s very generous of you and will benefit the community as a whole.

    i have noticed that there are incompatibilities with other hardware like FastATA V or simple mSATA IDE adaptors.

    As a user I can only ask all the parties for a solution and hope that it’ll work out somehow.

    Needless to say that I am very excited about the MKIII! :)

  • Needless to say that I am very excited about the MKIII! :)

    Same here, really awesome product! Although I am having to wait buying this until I am off furlough and know I still have a job. :(

  • Hi, I'm totally new to the Flickerfixers. Does the HDMI output has the audio?

    Same here, really awesome product! Although I am having to wait buying this until I am off furlough and know I still have a job. :(

    USCIS Employee?

  • Jens, I pre-ordered last month.

    I'm considering ordering a second unit in the shop. Is there a way to get reduced postage costs, if they are shipped together ?

  • Is there a way to get reduced postage costs, if they are shipped together ?

    Sure - log in, place a new order and you'll be offered free combined shipping if you have an un-shipped order running already.

    If you have placed the pre-order as a guest, make a new user account and be sure to enter the exact same shipping address in that user account. Log in, go to "guest orders" to associate the guest-order with your new user account. You need the order ID as a password, so nobody who lives in the same house can "steal" your guest-orders :-)

  • Hello, probably a really dumb question but here goes anyway lol. Will the hard drive caddy still be able to fit with the MK3 installed?

  • Might there be a need to short out E127R using the MK3 for improved stability in high GFX modes? Is there any harm if the fix was made already as some users suggest with older indivisions?

  • Will the hard drive caddy still be able to fit with the MK3 installed?

    No, that doesn't fit any more. The places for the four legs are free, but there's not enough space under it for the flicker fixer. You should not use a "real harddrive" if you can avoid it, as the flicker fixer will of course need some ventilation. A harddrive is about the opposite of "ventilation", so I'd recommend to use a DOM (disk-on-module) or a CF card, so a) you don't need the harddrive cradle and b) the flicker fixer gets lots of ventilation.

    Might there be a need to short out E127R using the MK3 for improved stability in high GFX modes? Is there any harm if the fix was made already as some users suggest with older indivisions?

    There is no harm if the fix has already been made, but the probability to require a fix if it hasn't been applied before is MUCH less, as the new MK3 model has the possibility to apply chipset patches just by setting advanced options in the config tool. We've tested this feature on some more boards with good results, and we are pretty close to removing the "experimental" label from this. It's definitely a big step forward to apply these chipset fixes just with some mouse clicks instead of soldering, and so far, the outcome of the tests have beaten my best expectations.

  • Graffiti is a big feature in itself, speeding up the the obligitory amiga graphics benchmarking system (doom) by a lot. It should be in the product description and wiki page.

    Graffiti has left the "experimental" status today and is now officially in the feature set. I'll update the product description later this week (will put priority on finalizing the manuals, so we can start packing the units tomorrow).

    Since the question came up a few times, here's a list of the signals that we're taking from the CIA adapter:

    1) KbClk

    2) KbData

    3) left mouse button

    4) Power LED

    We need the first two signals to detect the hot-key combination "left shift, CTRL Tilde", which activates live config mode. While in live config, mouse movement will move the picture. If you hold down the left mouse button, the zoom factor on the two axes will be changed - that's what we need signal#3 for. Pressing Tilde again (without qualifiers) will leave live config mode.

    Why a flicker fixer needs to know about the status of the power LED (signal #4) is something I'll leave for discussion here. Who is first to say why :-)?

  • I cannot confirm or deny Audio over HDMI.

    Why a flicker fixer needs to know about the status of the power LED (signal #4) is something I'll leave for discussion here. Who is first to say why :-)?

    Maybe to implement audio filters digitally for HDMI audio output?

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