Posts by amyren

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.

    I did not have a problem with the part after the installation. It was the installation itself that was the issue.

    In order to perform the installation at all, one must select one of those Graphics Card that you do not have. If you dont select anything the installation will not continue. And since the uaegfx card is removed from the choices list, you are not able to choose it.

    I did ask you about that in my previous post, but I think you answered that question:

    "Do you mean one just should select any other card to continue, even if I plan to use uaegfx later?"

    Clearly the answer her must be YES, since its not possible to select uaegfx.

    At the next step of the installer setup there will be a warning message in the installer, like this.

    "You should not install standard Amiga graphics boards drivers on a Amithlon/AmigaXL/UAE system.

    Would you like to rethink your choice?"

    So, here one must select "No" to complete the setup.

    I'ts mentioned in the wiki:

    1. Operation under UAE
    2. The UAE driver has been removed from the package for unclear copyright reasons and for obsolescence. The only thing required is an icon and a generic loader, which is identical for all P96 drivers. Just go to devs:monitors/ and rename some other P96 driver (and icon) to "uaegfx" and "" - only the name matters, but the loader is identical for all P96 drivers. Further, the only really important content of the icon/info file is that a tooltype "BOARDTYPE=uaegfx" is set.
    3. The file "libs:picasso96/uaegfx.chip is not needed any more - this is the one that's under the problematic license. WinUAE has P96 support built-in since a few years, and that even has hardware-sprite support for the mouse pointer, which was not the case for the old drivers (yes, there were two versions with different bugs, one even without hardware blit functions).
    4. If you really want to run an old version of UAE, you will find the required driver in the historic P96 shareware archive on Aminet.

    This is understood. But still one can not install or update your P96 software on UAE when the "uaegfx" choice is commented out in the script.

    One can, off course use the aminet package, but it may be frustrating for uae users wanting to support active developers that the purchased software will not install.

    I am not asking you to include the removed drivers or ask you to actively work on UAE support, I am just suggesting that the commenting should considered to be removed from the script in the P96 distribution.

    I try to update my Picasso96 installation, but when I get to the point where I should select my gfx card uaegfx is not listed.

    I did download the aminet version to compare, and that version does indeed list the uaegfx as an option.

    Then I began comparing the installscripts, and found that the uaegfx entry is commented out under the choices section in the iComp version.

    I resolved this simply by removing the commenting character and then ran the setup again. Now uaegfx is listed and the install was sucessful.

    My question is, why is the uaegfx disabled in the installscript?