ACA500PLUS + ACA1234 Dimensions

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi, I'm planning to purchase an ACA500plus & ACA1234 and put them in a custom enclosure. To make sure they will fit, can you give me the length and width of the two boards mated together?

    Thank you!


  • When connected to the A500, the back of the ACA1234 ends 2mm before the A500 case ends. If your case has less then 2mm wall thickness, you'll be good if you make it exactly as long as the A500 itself.

    If your enclosure shall be for both the A500 and ACA500plus, the ACA1234 will stick out about 10mm beyond the D-Sub connectors of the computer. If you really want to make your own complete A500 case, make sure you take care of proper shielding. There are ill-fated attempts at making fully transparent cases that completely lack shielding, which don't work reliably, randomly failing beyond unpredictable crashes, but failing in terms of "defective hardware". The shield has electric functionality that 2-layer computers like the A500 actually require.
