Indivision AGA Mk3 / CD32 - need a longer ribbon cable

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  • Hello. I just recently bought a the Indivision AGA Mk3 for my CD32. I was able to fit the socketed portion with no problem, but given the length of the ribbon cable that leads to board with the VGA/HDMI, I can't close my case. I wrongly assumed that the cable would at least be long enough to have it trail out the expansion slot at the back, but it's not even close. The only spot that seems like it might work, would be the bottom-left corner, but that would mean hacking my case (which I'm not keen on, given the CD32 is somewhat of a novelty in the US and quite valuable as a collector's item). Ultimately, I'd like to remove the RF modulator and mount it in place, which is what I did on my A1200 with the Mk2.

    I assume the ribbon cable is commonly available and not a custom-manufactured part. If that's true, can someone guide me on the search terms / specifications to use to look for a longer cable?

  • I used a micrometer to measure the distance between pins on the existing cable and I think the cable spec is a 2.54mm pitch, which means this cable should work:

    Can anyone verify?

    Also, would there be any problems with the signal if I went with a cable as long as 30cm?

  • I went ahead and ordered a couple of these cables as they seemed cheap enough. I will update the thread later in case anyone is interested. It will likely take a couple of weeks to ship from China.

  • The pin pitch is 2.00mm, not 2.54mm. The eBay link you've posted is indeed 2.00mm, so it should mechanically work. If you're using a longer cable, make sure to add sufficient grounding to the VGA/HDMI board. The two mount holes are connected to GND/Shield, and they should have a low-resistance connection to the shield of the CD32 if you are using a longer cable. Still, it may result in transfer errors to the HDMI monitor that will show as green-ish pixel noise. We've chosen the cable length for a reason.
