Hi there,
Running the latest version of P96 (3.4.0)
Some time in the last year PalomaIV will not work anymore. Neither will "hardware windows" (the internal processed/scalable window conetents of PicassoIV). Has something changed here in P96 - Anyone else experiencing these problems?
This makes e.g. PalomaTV application unsusable, the same with FroggerNG - it will no longer play MPEG2 videos in a window. This has worked before on 1280x1024 in 256 color mode.
It might as well be that I have fiddled with something, however I can not recall making any changes that should make it behave this way.
Kind regards,
PicassoIV + PalomaIV
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"sometime in the last year" means that is either broke with V3.3.3 or with V3.4.0, and it *must* have worked with V3.3.2. Can you test the previous version(s)?
Hi Jens.
I reverted to Picasso96 v2.0 from AmiNet and using that software package the PalomaTV works well. I can't say i know if i have saved any older versions of the new era of Picasso96. I did try the v3.4.1 one tho. However with that one I could not get PalomaTV to work.
Not with a window with overlay and it was unable to create a suitable screen for the overlay too.... The initial error i get on the newer Picasso96 when starting the PalomaTV application is "Could not open the full screen display (Could not open video window). Would you like to open the video window on the Workbench Screen instead" (Yes/No). If I click "Yes" i just get "Could not open video window", which is what I also get using video-players that are overlay capable.
I did a fresh Workbench install on a new partition just to make sure that nothing else was interfering.... First with 3.4.1 then with 2.0.
Kind regards,
AiO -
Send me an email, I'll send you the older versions so we can find out when it broke.
eMail is out. Let's hope you don't have a size limit...
For other people running into this
I did not read the relase bulletin enough. It turned out I used the order history to download the Picasso96.lha archive as I always did before. However. This time around there is an issue with this method to download. Read the bulletin!
Thank you Jens for the help to realise this. -