A1200 Keyboard Unresponsive with Caps Lock Permanently Lit

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi,

    I have a KeyRah V3 which I'm trying to use with a Raspberry Pi 4. I have 2 A1200 Keyboards which have new membranes and have been tested to work in a real Amiga 1200.

    When I try to use either of these keyboards with KeyRah, the PI boots but the keyboard is unresponsive and the Caps Lock stays lit.

    How can I fix this issue?



  • Yes, it works with the PC but still the same issue with the pi. As soon as the PI is powered on the Caps Lock light comes on and the keyboard is unresponsive. I also tried a different cable but that has the same behaviour.

  • Please try a different port on the Pi. If it works on the PC, you have already established that the Keyrah hardware is OK, and even the auto-identification of keyboard type works. What's left on the PI to check is the port, then possibly software. If you are running a "bare metal" emulator and not a full Linux kernel, you may not have USB functionality at all.


  • Thanks for coming back to me again.

    I've disconnected everything from the USB ports (GreaseWeazle) and tried all the ports on the PI but it doesn't work on any of them.

    I'm booting into a fresh image of Raspberry PI OS and the only changes I've made are setting the HDMI mode in config.txt and installing Amiberry. I'm also using the official raspberry PI power adapter.

  • And you're using the same cable that worked fine on the PC?

    Or is there anything different in terms of connection when moving from the PC to the Pi?

    Can you use a standard USB keyboard on the Pi? After all, that's what Keyrah is.


  • I've tried a fresh install and it seems to work (mostly). It still locks up occasionally and requires disconnecting and reconnecting the USB to get it working again so definitely some stability issues.

  • If you are only experiencing these stability issues on the Pi, but not on the PC, I have a hard time looking for a fault in Keyrah. I'd try a different Pi board and power supply instead, just to see if it behaves any different. Even new parts can have faults, especially when they're produced in such high quantities. Hardly any hardware manufacturer puts their products through single-unit tests like we do.


  • Power issues are a very real problem with the raspi, especially if you are running it overclocked, it barely gets enough power to work at all, without any peripherials attached - i'd look at that first.