Requesting C64 core Datel or Passport MIDI support

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Would it be possible to create an alternate C64 core build that has a different feature set? Do FPGA tools have something like a C++ preprocessor so you can create two builds from the same source with different features? For example, I wonder how many people really use dual emulated 1541 disk drives? I've never emulated more than one drive on my TC64, and having a second drive surely must take up a lot of FPGA space. Obviously I understand that you guys don't have unlimited free time to implement new features, but it would be nice if development of new C64 core features could continue rather than reaching a dead end due to lack of FPGA resources.

  • The next thing we'll do on Chameleon is not to add new features and open yet another fork of things to maintain, but to fix known bugs. There's a CPU bug where an incoming IRQ that happens at the same time when the I-flag is cleared is causing wrong behaviour, and more that's described in the Wiki.
