Strange issue with Basic.

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hello,

    I have strange issue with Chameleon.

    Everything was working perfectly fine until now.

    When I try to make "Reset to Basic", I got only clear blue screen (I mean without any writings, only dark blue background and standard borders of course).

    And then my C64 computer freezes itself.

    Normally I should have (and I had until now) standard V2 Basic screen.

    I've tried to connect Chameleon to 3 different fully working C64 machines and it is still the same issue present, so it is Chameleon's fault for sure.

    What could be the problem?

    Anybody has an idea?

    P.S. I've tried to make main core update with Chaco (chameleon_beta9q_v2.rbf) and I've also added "rom-menu.bin" file. Still the same. :(

  • I don't have any PS/2 keyboard to check it in standalone mode, never needed.
    Any other suggestions?
    By the way, when I try to load game from real floppy disk (1541C drive) I got number of errors.
    But, when I unplug the Chameleon - everything is perectly fine and back to normal.
    Seems like Chameleon is messing with C64 computer... :(

  • Quote

    I don't want to disable "copy ROMs from C64" in the config, because I sometimes use JiffyDOS which is installed in my C64.

    Please try that for a test though - it might give a hint on what the problem could be. Also remove the SD card for a test, see if that changes anything.

  • What's the power supply on that computer?

    I don't really believe in "bad flash chip" - the more likely scenario is a bad contact or a flakey power supply.

  • Unfortunately I don't have another PSU, bit I will borrow the original PSU from other C64 computer next week and I check it.
    But, until now it worked perfectly fine - I use strong new impulse PSU (DC 5V 3A, AC 9V 1.1A 18VA).

  • It may be crap indeed, but so far it worked great.
    Will see next week - I will borrow the best original C64 PSU (brick) and test it.
    I hope you're right and this is PSU fault.
    Let You know.

  • Ok,
    checked on two different (and fully working) PSUs: one is the original brick PSU and the other is strong modern PSU.
    Still the same issue - Chameleon will not copy Basic rom. :(
    Any other suggestions?

  • Use the Chameleon in standalone mode, remove the SD-card and re-flash the unit. Note that you'll need two USB connections, one for power and the other for data.

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