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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi all, I have been using Amiga's continuously since 1988. But this MKIII is new to me. A couple of questions. 1. Why do some of my

    IFF files which have always displayed before on my standard Amiga modes not show up in "VT" or "Visage" when I try to display them?

    2. Is there a standard setup using the Prefs file from Individual computers so that all my productivity software will at least open in a common

    or readable display? Not off to the the left or right, too big or too small. How can I get that Prefs file to open when I am in some productivity

    software to allow me to resize and position it? How can I turn off the Individual splash screen? I spend most of my time moving from 2 or 3

    different graphics programs and it is a Drag to always have to wait for that screen to close.

    Any help on any of these would be much appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Brad Hansen

  • 1. Why do some of my

    IFF files which have always displayed before on my standard Amiga modes not show up in "VT" or "Visage" when I try to display them?

    Must be an off-standard screen mode. Indivision AGA MK3 does support pretty much all screen modes (except for A2024), but the tools you're mentioning are really old - they might just not be AGA-compatible, and it has nothing to do with Indivision.

    How can I get that Prefs file to open when I am in some productivity

    software to allow me to resize and position it? How can I turn off the Individual splash screen?

    That's what live config is for. Have you tried LShift-CTRL-Tilde?

    How can I turn off the Individual splash screen?

    Counter-question: Did you read the documentation?


  • Jens, How can it be an off-standard screen mode when I have already reported

    that these images were displayed no problem on standard Amiga modes through regular VGA output?

    It seemed to me that “Live Mode” only allowed for centering the video mode, not

    configuring it completely. I will recheck..

    Thought I could get some quick help here. Does the documentation tell me how

    to turn off the splash screen?

    The Amiga is an old computer, why would someone create a product that only worked with new software? Besides “VT” and “Visage” are not ancient pieces of software. And claiming that this has nothing to with the MKIII is just dodging

    what seems to be an obvious problem with the hardware. Hhmmm, Images

    display no problem on stock Amiga but not on MKIII, must be old software…


  • Jens, Hi, After some experimentation I can see that you were in the ball park of being

    right about the fact that these images were created with Pre-AGA software. To me that

    still doesn't excuse the fact that the MKIII couldn't display them, since my stock Amiga

    1200 could. But you set me on the way to loading and then resaving them to then open

    in more modern software and then getting them to display on MKIII.

    The problem I have with live mode is I open a program like AdPro and it doesn't fit square

    on the screen. I go to live mode and move it to the correct position, but as soon as I display

    an image in the program and then close it, the home screen is again out of alignment??


    Brad Hansen

  • Thought I could get some quick help here. Does the documentation tell me how

    to turn off the splash screen?

    Yes, it does. Please do take the time to read the documentation.

    It's a complex product, and this support forum is meant to solve problems with the actual hardware, and possibly problems understanding the documentation. We do want to know if there's something missing or if we chose unclear wording. However, this forum can't possibly be meant to search the documentation and tell you to set the number of seconds for displaying the OSD to zero.

    After some experimentation I can see that you were in the ball park of being

    right about the fact that these images were created with Pre-AGA software. To me that

    still doesn't excuse the fact that the MKIII couldn't display them, since my stock Amiga

    1200 could.

    Yet another case of "please read the documentation": The Amiga has always allowed to create off-standard screen modes, even with OCS. Indivision AGA MK3 uses the number of lines on a screen to determine the screen mode that it's seeing, and loads a new config if the screen mode changes. If that software uses a few more or less lines, Indivision AGA MK3 will look in it's list of screenmodes if there is something more appropriate than what's currently displayed, if the number of lines goes out of the configured range. Keyword "configured": You can change these parameters in the config tool and see if it improves the situation.

    Here's where the OSD comes in handy_ It will always show the number of lines detected, which you can write down.

    The problem I have with live mode is I open a program like AdPro and it doesn't fit square

    on the screen. I go to live mode and move it to the correct position, but as soon as I display

    an image in the program and then close it, the home screen is again out of alignment??

    It's been over 25 years since I've seen AdPro in action, but if I remember right, it uses two different screens, one for actual program control, and the other for actual output. This will make Indivision re-read the configuration from flash for the newly-detected screenmode, overwriting the temporary "live config" configuration. It's expected behaviour that a temporary configuration is not permanent.

  • Jens, Sorry about not understanding this forum. I thought it was where a

    community of users came to ask questions and get help from other MKIII users. I didn’t expect you to be answering all my questions. I used to be great at reading

    manuals and documentation, even wrote my fair share of it. But at 73 I’ve

    gotten lazy. For the last few years I have been a feature writer for “Amiga

    Future” magazine. Has the magazine covered the MKIII yet? Might hook up

    for an interview and hardware review.

    Brad Hansen

  • I didn’t expect you to be answering all my questions.

    This is a support forum of a commercial company - a few users are indeed helping out, but what people generally expect here is that the developers of products you've bought from iComp provide help.

    Not sure if Amiga Future covered any Indivision yet. I don't think that print magazines have any meaning or even impact any more. It used to be different when the AmigaPlus magazine was still alive.

    Age shouldn't stop you from reading the manual and making adjustments to the configuration. My dad is almost ten years older than you are, and this is not stopping him from reading. You choose your own speed - the computer is patient.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.