C64R MK2 - Keyboard and Reset Problem

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • My C64 Reloaded MK2 board has developed a problem as of today after using the Turbo Chameleon 64 v2 I received as a Christmas gift. Everything was working well until I played Super Mario Bros. 64 (C64 Port) and upon hard resetting the machine (power switch off, then on) I now have an issue with my C64 Reloaded MK2.

    Whenever I press the comma (,) key it results in a clear screen with "Ready." prompt, like when hitting <run-stop> <restore>; however when I hold <shift> and type any of the keys, the expected graphical symbols appear on screen as they should, without this odd behavior. Shift Lock is NOT engaged. Multiple C64 keyboards have been tried.

    Also, when I insert any game cart into the cartridge port the screen is just filled with garbage and nothing else. NO carts boot up whatsoever.

    Another odd behavior from this is that the built-in reset switch (pushing the power switch up from the "on" position) now causes the C64R MK2 to completely freeze. As a matter of fact, ANY reset actually causes the freeze to occur be it from carts with reset buttons such as that on the Turbo Chameleon 64 v2, etc. or even from a reset when the board is connected via USB and Tera Term (pressing R from the remote control menu).

    I've tried different C64 keyboards, different CIA chips, different CPU's, different VIC-II's, even cleaned the chips with contact cleaner, etc. the result is always this problematic behavior.

    The C64 Reloaded MK2 was purchased directly from iComp in September 2022, the Turbo Chameleon 64 v2 was purchased directly from iComp in November 2022.

    I'm at a loss as to what happened and in need of assistance. Thanks in advance and with kind regards.

  • PSU would have been my first question as well. Further, please take a good look into the cartridge port of the C64RMK2: Are there any contacts bent?

    The "comma results in NMI-like behaviour" requries more explanation: Does this happen with the Chameleon only, or also without?

  • The powersupply is one I purchased directly from iComp when I purchased the C64 Reloaded MK2 board, so I've not tried another. Didn't think too actually since I've only had it a few months.

    The "comma results in NMI-like behaviour" is happening even without the Chameleon being attached. The Chameleon actually can no longer boot up when connected to the C64R MK2 board, it gives a black background flickering the bootup sequence in a loop at about every 1 second intervals and the leds that light up during boot on the Chameleon are very weak. As stated, no other cart can boot up either.

    However, the good news is that the Chameleon does not appear harmed and functional on another C64.

    I'll see if I have a different power supply for the C64R MK2. If the iComp power supply is indeed faulty is it covered under warranty since I've only had it since September of 2022?

  • Cartridge port is shiny and with no bent pins.

    Tested with a different power supply, same issue. Measured voltages of the iComp power supply with a multimeter and it seems fine as well.

    Issue also occurs without any peripherals attached to any of the ports, including with the sid chip(s) being removed.

  • There's the update tool in our Wiki, which will re-program the MCU on the C64RMK2. Please run that, even though you're on the latest version already.

  • If you're sure that the ICs are OK, you can of course leave them out. If oyu have the slightest suspicion about any of them, please include.

  • Jens

    Sorry for the very long (4 months) delay in regards to this matter. The reason we never sent this back is because life in general got in the way and due to the return shipping cost (over $100 USD from our PO, and even higher through UPS) and I apologize for not letting you know sooner.

    HOWEVER, there is some great news to report! This evening, I took the board back out and I finally figured out the issue, it was the CPU seating and/or some debris in the CPU socket, I am not really sure which. I took out the CPU and used a little air on the socket, put the CPU back in and the reset/nmi issue was fully resolved! I spent several hours on it this evening doing rigorous testing and configurations and everything seem to definitely be working just fine now. :)

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.