Indiswitcher needs rtg.library 41, but RTG.library 43.3 is installed

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • I have a Vampire V2 600 and I want to use Indiswitcher with my Indvision ECX V2 to switch between VGA and HDMI(Vampire Output).

    I installed the latest version 3.3.2 of P96, but I still get the errorIndiswitcher needs rtg.library 41, but RTG.library 43.3 is installed.

    I already uninstgalled Picasso 86 and reinstall the Saga driver of the Vampire. What do I wrong and were can I get he RTG.library V41.

  • Indiswitcher really does check for the version number, but will accept anything above V41 as well, so that's not the cause.

    Please double check if the RTG gfx is in the display chain, and of course make sure that P96 is already launched before you launch Indiswitcher for the first time after booting. The error message may just mean that an active lib wasn't found.

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