[SOLVED] MK3/A1200 : specific monitor triggering horizontal artifacts - works with all others tests

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi !

    I'm opening a new thread as my previous one was actually solved and was getting confusing :)

    So, I'm using the Indivision MK3 AGA on a recently repaired A1200. The issue I'm mentioning even occurs when everything is removed from the 1200, with several (old & new) PSUs, several HDMI cables... I'm really happy with the great picture quality & features :-)

    Horizontal lines appear quickly after booting. Potentially anywhere (even the workbench), when the Indi is set to a high mode / pixel clock, like my 1920x1080. When lowering it, it doesn't happen anymore at all (like 1280x1024).

    In this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNhFp27u-XQ

    I'm showing how I insta-trigger the issue in the SkillGrid game.

    But it can also appear on the WB as seen here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28rH2OWak80

    What is interesting is that the bug follows the screen I'm dragging.

    Thanks a lot :-)

  • Jesus....

    The issue does not occur on another HDMI screen I was lent.

    I've just ordered another screen... :-/

  • Does it make any sense to you, guys ?

    The screen with which I have those lines behaves properly with my other machine (and at a lower res).

    And the artifact seemed Amiga related as, as said before, it was following the screen when dragging it...

  • Jens : I would really like to change the titles of the 2 threads I made because, in both cases (although it's still unclear what happens here), your hardware was probably not at fault and it can give bad publicity.

  • Oh, but Guillaume from LesDocs does use the exact same monitor model as me with no issue with the exact same settings. Which doesn't help conclude either. Maybe I can send the screen to him so that he compares them.

  • Oh, but Guillaume from LesDocs does use the exact same monitor model as me with no issue with the exact same settings. Which doesn't help conclude either. Maybe I can send the screen to him so that he compares them.


    Did you try the CCKLine Pull-Up, the CCKLine Capacitance and PCLK Resistor settings?

    You can find those in the Indivision software in the Advanced Options.

    This found I somewhere in the forum about glitches and this was Jens' answer:

    Jens iComp developer

    "As we pointed out in other threads before, these gfx glitches on some A1200s are not Indivision-specific, but computer-specific. Indivision only has a few options to reduce the effects.

    If switching on the pull-up on CCK makes a difference, but does not provide a satisfactory solution, then try the CCK capcitance - that's the solution for more computers."

    Hereby a screenshot I found from the advanced options.

    A1200 Rev2B OS 3.2| SanDisk CF64GB | Blizzard 1230 IV 64MB FPU 68882/50 | Indivision AGA MK3 | CA-PSU | Eizo S1933 | Bose Companion 2 series III

    A500 Rev6A OS 3.2| SanDisk CF16GB | ACA500+ V2 / Blizzard 1230 IV 32MB | Indivision ECS V3 | ACE2b | CA-PSU | Eizo S1933 | Bose Companion 2 series III

    A1200 Rev2B OS3.2.2 | Black Edition | SanDisk MSD32GB | PistormLite32 | Indivision AGA MK3 | RTG Picaso96 1280x1024| CA-PSU | Eizo S1933

    iAmiga 27" | OS 3.2 FS-UAE | SDD 1 TB | RTG Picaso96 2560x1440

  • Phil : yep, I did try all of them :) Thanks again for your replies !

    I think I'm gonna kinda give up on this if the new screen I've ordered works properly :) Gonna find out in a couple of days !

  • Before spending money on a new monitor, it might have been an idea to take a picture of any artefacts, so we can find out if the source is in the Amiga, the flicker fixer or something else.

  • Hi Jens !

    Thanks for your replies :)

    No worries, it's a cheap second hand monitor. I wanted to try to check whether VSYNC would work anyway.

    Regarding the picture of the artefacts : you mean, a more precise picture than the videos I provided above ?

    As for your suggestions : indeed, I have no shield at all. I've been hunting for, but couldn't find any. Yet.

    Does the fact it occurs with one monitor but not the other give an indication ?

    Take care & thanks again :)


  • you mean, a more precise picture than the videos I provided above ?

    No, the video clearly shows that it's a HDMI data transfer issue. If that's the only thing happening, the A1200 board itself is fine.

    indeed, I have no shield at all. I've been hunting for, but couldn't find any. Yet.

    Does the fact it occurs with one monitor but not the other give an indication ?

    The input sensitivity of the monitor also influences possible data transfer errors, but if you're already running the A1200 out-of-spec, all bets are off.

  • I would really like to change the titles of the 2 threads I made because, in both cases (although it's still unclear what happens here), your hardware was probably not at fault and it can give bad publicity.

    Please message me links to the two threads and the supposed new titles

  • Jens : OK, I bought another screen (ASUS) and it works perfectly (apart from VSYNC). No horizontal parasites. I think there is something strange with my LG. Anyway, thanks for confirming I don't have to worry for my Amiga :)

    I have a last question. Is it possible to create a screens compatiblity thread ? My ASUS does not support VSYNC either... I can try a couple of other ones in the following months. Could be useful to other people ? (even though I'm well aware there can be differences between units)

    Tobias : getting back to you ASAP, thx !

  • OK, I bought another screen (ASUS) and it works perfectly (apart from VSYNC). No horizontal parasites. I think there is something strange with my LG. Anyway, thanks for confirming I don't have to worry for my Amiga :)

    Good to hear - thanks for the feedback.

    I have a last question. Is it possible to create a screens compatiblity thread ? My ASUS does not support VSYNC either... I can try a couple of other ones in the following months. Could be useful to other people ? (even though I'm well aware there can be differences between units)

    Feel free to share your experiences. However, so far we haven't added such information to the Wiki, as some monitors will work, and other monitors of the same type may not work with VSync because they have a different firmware version.

    Also, before you say "Asus doesn't work with VSync either", try Autoresolution with PAL and NTSC first.

  • Tobias

    Changed the title of the thread from “MK3/1200 : horizontal lines artifacts in 1920x1080, not in 1280x1024 (YT videos) - Ft SkillGrid :)” to “[SOLVED] MK3/A1200 : specific monitor triggering horizontal artifacts - works with all others tests”.
  • Feel free to share your experiences. However, so far we haven't added such information to the Wiki, as some monitors will work, and other monitors of the same type may not work with VSync because they have a different firmware version.

    Also, before you say "Asus doesn't work with VSync either", try Autoresolution with PAL and NTSC first.

    Okay, so I may start a kinda unofficial compatibility thread with a proper disclaimer (and if possible serial # and firmware versions when available) ?

    Regarding VSync, what I'm attempting to achieve is VSYNC in the native monitor resolution -- it did work with the cheap LCD TV I was lent. But it seems to work with a minority of screens.

    However, the double buffered output with no VSYNC is quite satisfying already.

  • On my AGA MK2 (which does not support Vsync) I actually managed to finetune it to get totally smooth scrolling with no vsync. Something I thought was almost impossible. The screen I use for that system is a Phillips 17 inch 5:4 LED screen. And it too doesn't support vsync anyway. So the fact I managed to finetune my AGA MK2 to have totally smooth scrolling without vsync for that specific screen is very convenient for me. It scrolls just as butter smooth as if I would have had vsync enabled. I experimented around the 50Hz region until I hit the 'magic spot' for PAL totally smooth scrolling. And even before I hit that spot I had a profile where I had almost smooth scrolling. A little jerk/frameskip now and then.

    So I think it should be possible to do the same with the AGA MK3 for a screen that doesn't support Vsync.

  • Regarding VSync, what I'm attempting to achieve is VSYNC in the native monitor resolution -- it did work with the cheap LCD TV I was lent. But it seems to work with a minority of screens.

    Again, there is no single "VSync", but two different approaches that Indivision AGA MK3 offers. Just flipping on the VSync feature will most certainly lead to failure - you need to read the documentation, prepare an output screen mode and check if it's working under WB - and then hope that game modes are sufficiently-similar so it'll continue to work with games as well.

    And once again, your chances are even higher with Autoresolution on a HDMI TV set.

    On my AGA MK2 (which does not support Vsync) I actually managed to finetune it to get totally smooth scrolling with no vsync. Something I thought was almost impossible.

    The MK2 does generate all it's clocks from the Amiga pixel clock, so in theory, the hardware can do it. However, it has no provisions against tearing. What may appear tearing-free on one boot may be different on the next.

  • Again, there is no single "VSync", but two different approaches that Indivision AGA MK3 offers. Just flipping on the VSync feature will most certainly lead to failure - you need to read the documentation, prepare an output screen mode and check if it's working under WB - and then hope that game modes are sufficiently-similar so it'll continue to work with games as well.

    And once again, your chances are even higher with Autoresolution on a HDMI TV set.

    Hi Jens,

    yep, I'm well aware of all that. Thanks again for your patience :)

    That's why I was suggesting opening an unofficial compatibility thread - because I'm hunting for a rare bird :)

    (VSYNC without autoresolution)

  • The MK2 does generate all it's clocks from the Amiga pixel clock, so in theory, the hardware can do it. However, it has no provisions against tearing. What may appear tearing-free on one boot may be different on the next.

    Well, so far it's been smooth on every boot. I've seen reports from other MK2 users, with different screens claiming to get smooth results without vsync. Anyway, even if I would get a small tear now and then, it would still be much better than 60Hz+ tearing for PAL software

  • This wouldn't be "tear now and then", but "static tear point at random positions" - although we'd have to investigate if the static 1s delay for switching input-to-output modes results in a static tear point that ends up in an invisible spot - not excluded without investigation.

    However, investigation means that you need to test "switching from any screen mode to PAL", having a logic analyzer or at least a 2-channel scope connected to the Amiga-VSync and the Indivision VSync signal to be able to roughly deduct the tear point. TBH, not worth the effort - if it works for you, it saves you buying a new MK3 unit :-)

  • This wouldn't be "tear now and then", but "static tear point at random positions" - although we'd have to investigate if the static 1s delay for switching input-to-output modes results in a static tear point that ends up in an invisible spot - not excluded without investigation.

    However, investigation means that you need to test "switching from any screen mode to PAL", having a logic analyzer or at least a 2-channel scope connected to the Amiga-VSync and the Indivision VSync signal to be able to roughly deduct the tear point. TBH, not worth the effort - if it works for you, it saves you buying a new MK3 unit :-)

    Point is also that the particular screen I use for that setup will not work with Vsync from my ECS V3s or VIC II sync from my Turbo Chameleon 64 V2s so I highly doubt it would work with AGA MK3s Vsync. So it's a nice match for my AGA MK2.

    Of course I might consider the AGA MK3 aswell, as I have another A1200 that currently has no scandoubler. And I have 2x BenQ BL702As and one BL 912, which all works fine with Vsync.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.