MK3 no output on cold boot - flashtool wakes it up

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • This is exactly the same issue as discussed two years ago (thus new thread as suggested), title was "MK3 no output" from Oct 22, 2020 (forum doesn't allow url BBCode) -


    ReAmiga 1.5, NTSC with s-video mod, Kickstart 3.1, Original PSU from A500, Indi flashed with latest firmware, signature 53464450

    There is no output from Mk3, config tool reports hardware not found. However, if flashtool is run with parameter that causes it to read flash id, it comes back to live and works perfectly fine, surviving reboots, until the machine is powered down. Config tool also recognizes Indi. Same happens if "flashtool flash firmware" is called and just cancelled before the actual flashing starts.

    My workaround is to just add "flashtool info" to startup sequence, this wakes Indi up. This Mk3 works fine on my other 1d4 PAL board, I have another Mk3 that behaves exactly the same. Mk2CR works fine on this ReAmiga board out of the box.

    I don't need any support; this is just a heads up to investigate, that simply reading flash id causes it to work, in the old thread Mr.Toast I think was flashing it with rescue disk every time.

  • I have another original PSU and couple of Meanwell units but it doesn't matter, The PAL mobo works always with any PSU, the NTSC one doesn't. I don't think sending my ReAmiga is a good idea, every board will be different based on components used and soldering skills, but I'll be on lookout for original NTSC board in my area - and if it exhibits same behavior, I'll ship it to you.

    Btw - are you planning restock of CA-PSU?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.