ACA500 + GottaGoFastRAM 8MB ?

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Jens my apologies, the subject is misleading, I am using an ACA500 (not ACA500+) and I was asking about using GottaGoFastRAM with an ACA500

    I assume the same issue applies to ACA500

  • This might actually work, if you make some changes to the CPLD.

    You could take the chance and fix an inherent problem of the GottaGoFastRAM expansion that I have just found, looking at their GitHub repo: They only refresh the memory when the CPU is actually running. The RAM does not get a refresh when the reset line is low, so it won't work with reset-resident software (or at least it'll be unreliable).

    Key to making it work with the ACA500 is to:

    - reduce Autoconfig size to 2MBytes

    - only put 2MBytes to $20.0000

    - map another 2MBytes to $60.0000 - this will be found by the ACA500 software, no need for Autoconfig or addmem.

    Please understand that I won't be available for further support, as I'm really not here to support fixing bad open-source designs.

  • If you fail with that GottaGoFastRAM, the ACA 1221lc would be a nice option for your ACA500 meob It's currently in stock aswell

    I am using an older ACA 1221 (fully unlocked and overclocked) with my ACA500. Works really well

  • thx for the tip Jens!

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