Indivision ECS not detected but displays picture

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Recently I bought Indivision ECS v1 second hand, but when installed in my Amiga I can not run either the config tool and flash tool does not detect the hardware.

    I can see the picture thru the scandoubler, but I can not change the settings (such as remove the scanlines).

    I have tried installation in my Amiga 500+, 500 and 600 but all the same results.

    Seller sent me another unit which he says it worked for him but on my hardware same as before - picture from scandoubler, but not detected by tools.

    Is there any possible solultion?

  • Ok, I can reply myself now. Seller suggested me I was using older version of the flash and config tools. With the newest versions all is working good.

  • Hi Turrican I have done that sort of hope for a tidy option, is there any reason that the V2 or V3 cant do HDMI direct from the card?

  • Hi Turrican I have done that sort of hope for a tidy option, is there any reason that the V2 or V3 cant do HDMI direct from the card?

    Because they are made to only output analogue VGA signal and not HDMI. Without redesigning the hardware it will not be possible to output HDMI directly.

  • Ahh OK many thanks maybe when the next version is released after the V3

    That's probably going to take long enough to skip HDMI and go straight to DP :-)

    Seriously, adding a digital output will add a lot of cost, but not add that much use to the product, because adequately-priced monitors still offer VGA input on a wide basis.

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