X-Surf/ACA500plus not working Accelerator Card ACA-1232 25 Mhz

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Should B1260 and X-Surf work if I install the MMU/68k libraries?

    Yes, because the ACA500plus adds an autoconfig device with address $ee.0000. I don't have a B1260 to test, though.

    I’m now starting to think it’s a connection issue

    That would explain a lot of things - please push it all the way down and also tighten the stand-off feet. They will make sure that you're all the way down. I have just checked the QC photo of your X-Surf-500, and it shows that it was delivered with the screws pre-mounted and the feet in a small bag. We've had two cases so far where the screws were not pre-mounted, so I wanted to check :-)

  • Late last night I sprayed all contacts/edge connectors and gave all a rub with a toothbrush and also connected and disconnect all several times, then left all to dry. Very quickly before leaving for work this morning I plugged all together, switched on and the network worked first time with the B1230 connected and the ACA500plus push firm into the A500. Will try again later with the B1260. So far I've had very little success with the B1260 and the ACA500plus. I'm not the first owner of this ACA500plus, so if you could send me pictures of what it should look like then I'll check the spacers are all correct.

  • I have only looked at the picture of the X-Surf-500: You've posted the MAC address, which is used as the unique identifier here (it's supposed to be unique worldwide, so why generate yet another ID if we already have one?).

    For a picture of the ACA500plus, I'd need the warranty ID of that.

    Tobias should maybe split this thread, as we have two cases in one thread at this point: While the original poster has an ACA500, robxbl69 has an ACA500plus.

  • To be honest: Too lazy to do that string of lookups.

    Just look at the two mounting holes: There should be two nylon screws in the X-Surf-500, fastened with two M3 nuts (head on component side, nut on solder side). The remainder of the screw reaches through the corresponding mount holes in the ACA500plus, far enough to be caught by a bolt that serves as a stand-off, similar to the two bolts that hold the plexi over the CF slots. You're supposed to tighten the bold with your hands, not with tools, but it will pull the X-Surf-500 perfectly in place.

  • I’m still battling with this problem. Since raising this issue I’ve acquired more hardware to try and identify the cause.

    I’ve bought an ACA1232 and an A500 plus with original Commodore power supply.

    It doesn’t matter what combination I use of:

    A500 6A

    A500 plus 8A

    Meanwell PSU (which I know Jens hates and why I have an original Commmodore PSU now)

    A500 plus PSU

    Blizzard 1230

    ACA 1233

    I cannot get the network to work with either accelerator plugged into the ACA500 plus.

    If I carefully remove the 1230/1233 without disturbing anything else and power back on the network works 100% every time.

    Any ideas on what I can try? This is just so frustrating…

    Thanks, Rob.

  • With one of the 68030 accelerators connected, please run "MuScan" and post the output here. I still have the MMU as the prime suspect here.

  • Hi Jens,

    This is with the ACA1233 attached, The output is exactly the same if I have MMULib on or off in the ACA500+ menu. I installed mmu.library from the MuScan archive.

    MuScan 46.1 (02.07.2016) © THOR

    68030 MMU detected.

    MMU page size is 0x400 bytes.

    Memory map:

    0x00000000 - 0x000FFFFF CacheInhibit Imprecise NonSerial

    0x00100000 - 0x00400FFF Blank

    0x00401000 - 0x00ADEFFF CopyBack

    0x00ADF000 - 0x00BFFFFF CacheInhibit I/O space

    0x00C00000 - 0x00CFFFFF CopyBack

    0x00D00000 - 0x00D7FFFF Blank

    0x00D80000 - 0x00DFFFFF CacheInhibit I/O space

    0x00E00000 - 0x00E8FFFF Blank

    0x00E90000 - 0x00E9FFFF CacheInhibit I/O space

    0x00EA0000 - 0x00EDFFFF Blank

    0x00EE0000 - 0x00EFFFFF CacheInhibit I/O space

    0x00F00000 - 0x00F7FFFF CacheInhibit

    0x00F80000 - 0x00FFFFFF ROM

    0x01000000 - 0x07FFFFFF Blank

    0x08000000 - 0x0FDFFFFF CopyBack

    0x0FE00000 - 0xFFFFFFFF Blank

    And the output of XSurfTest:

    X-Surf TestPrg V1.10 (Feb 18 2022)


    Searching for RTL8019 at 0x0...not found! (ID0=255, ID1=255)

    Testing 16bit memory...ok!

    Ethernet address = 28:cd:4c:ff:f3:ba

    Chip is in PnP mode

    Chip is using half-duplex mode

    Chip is using IOBase 0x300 and IRQ 2/9

    Board address = 0xee0000

    IRQ / Loopback / cable connection test in progress:

    No IRQ received !!!! Transmit timeout!

    And for completeness, this is MuScan with no accelerator connected:

    MuScan 46.1 (02.07.2016) © THOR

    No MMU available.

    MMU page size is 0x400 bytes.

    Memory map:

    0x00000000 - 0x000FFFFF CacheInhibit Imprecise NonSerial

    0x00100000 - 0x00400FFF Blank

    0x00401000 - 0x00ADEFFF CopyBack

    0x00ADF000 - 0x00BBFFFF Blank

    0x00BC0000 - 0x00BFFFFF CacheInhibit I/O space

    0x00C00000 - 0x00C7FFFF CopyBack

    0x00C80000 - 0x00D7FFFF Blank

    0x00D80000 - 0x00DFFFFF CacheInhibit I/O space

    0x00E00000 - 0x00E8FFFF Blank

    0x00E90000 - 0x00E9FFFF CacheInhibit I/O space

    0x00EA0000 - 0x00EFFFFF Blank

    0x00F00000 - 0x00F7FFFF CacheInhibit

    0x00F80000 - 0x00FFFFFF ROM

    0x01000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF Blank

    Hope this helps?



  • MMU settings are correct: CacheInhibit I/O space is exactly what should be set for the networking chip.

    The test program confirms that talking to the chip works fine (memory test result is good), and it further tries to send a packet. This fails - and that's where I'd look for a cable problem. Is the link up, LED on?

  • Hi Jens.

    Since my last post I’ve been acquiring more kit :)

    Today from AmigaKit I ordered a Buddha and X-Surf 100 for my A3000 and direct from you (along with P96) I have ordered BigRamPlus and at the same time I’ve ordered another ACA500PLUS and X-Surf 500 as I just can’t get my existing pair to work with an A1200 accelerator connected. Soon I will have parts to swap and can hopefully get to the bottom of the problem!


  • The problem is not directly OS3.2 related. The problem is that OS3.2 tries to annoy people into submission to MMULib.

    MMULib sometimes solve problems that you wouldn't have without MMULib, but sometimes it doesn't.

    There is some issue in the combination of ACA500 (not ACA500plus), X-Surf-500, and MMULib.

    OS3.2 strongly urges you to install MMULib, but it's not needed with a 68030 CPU.

    We have added support to the X-Surf-500 driver to interface with MMULib, but the problem persists.

    For the time being, the best option is to not install MMULib and remove the line from OS3.2's startup-sequence that does the complaining.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.