minimig problems.

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • I've had my Turbo Chameleon V2 for a few weeks and it's a great piece of kit.

    I have problems with the two versions of minimig

    1) the ECS version runs well but will not write to disk which means hi scores and Workbench work disk save are met with the error message "TrackWrite #27".

    2) the AGA version runs well and WILL save hi scores and Workbench changes on the same SD card (Sandisk Ultra 16 GB 10 A1). However the screen is 2 cm lower than normal and I lose the bottom of the screen. I haven't installed the RTG driver as this was a new install. I'm using a VGA to HDMI converter on a Sony Bravia TV which works normally on other cores. Unfortunately the TV doesn't allow a vertical adjustment on the PC setting.

    I would appreciate any advice!

  • Please note that there is no official support for the Minimig core. Also, this request does NOT belong in the "news" area, but in the Chameleon area.

  • 2) the AGA version runs well and WILL save hi scores and Workbench changes on the same SD card (Sandisk Ultra 16 GB 10 A1). However the screen is 2 cm lower than normal and I lose the bottom of the screen. I haven't installed the RTG driver as this was a new install. I'm using a VGA to HDMI converter on a Sony Bravia TV which works normally on other cores. Unfortunately the TV doesn't allow a vertical adjustment on the PC setting

    Can you try forcing the screenmode of the core by holding down F1, F2, F3 or F4 while starting the core?

    I forget exactly which key does what, but they force NTSC or PAL mode, with and without the scandoubler.

    Could you tell me which cores, specifically, look OK on the TV?

  • Thanks for your reply.

    The "native" screen display on the MinimigAGA TC64V2 core is 640x480 50Hz.

    F1 gives 640x480 60Hz with no upper border but still loss of lower area.

    F2 gives 640x480 50 Hz with 2cm black border at top of screen and loss at bottom.

    F3 and F4 give no video output.

    I checked the fampiga tc64v2 core again (display is perfect) and this gives a screen resolution of 800x600 50 Hz with no loss of screen area when playing games.

    Interestingly it too has a border at the top but functions normally.

    All other cores work perfectly.

    Is it that I need an 800x600 resolution to fit all the game in on the MinimigAGA TC64V2 core?

    Your advice is appreciated.

  • Is it that I need an 800x600 resolution to fit all the game in on the MinimigAGA TC64V2 core?

    Your advice is appreciated.

    Could you try the attached version, please? I think what's happening is that the ECS version of the core is inverting the H and V sync signals on V2 hardware. It shouldn't be, and that was corrected for the AGA core - however I suspect your monitor actually likes the inverted signals better.

    This test version of the core - and associated firmware, which you will need to put on the SD card - will invert the sync signals if you hold down F5 or F6 during boot. (F5 forces NTSC with inverted sync, F6 forces PAL with inverted sync.)

    If it works, you can make the setting persistent by saving the default config file.

  • Hi

    Problem sorted! The F6 option gives me 800 x 600 PAL and the whole of the game (Deluxe Galaga) is now visible.

    Saving to card is also working OK.

    Many thanks for your assistance.

  • i have the same problem on my lcd tv. Would be nice to get this core with the inverted setting as a download on the retro ramblings webpage. Together with the info

    Yes indeed, now I know it helps and doesn indeed solve the problem I'll make it "official". It would be helpful to know whether it messes up 31KHz AGA screenmodes, though - i.e. DblPAL, DblNTSC and Multiscan: Productivity. It might be necessary to restrict the sync inversion to scandoubled PAL/NTSC. (It's already bypassed in RTG mode, since the sync polarity can be set, if necessary, in P96Mode.)

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.