ACA1221LC - possible to use it in 4mb PCMCIA friendly mode?

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  • Hello. I have some trouble transfering large ISO files over local network.

    I tested few things, but I wonder is there a way to use ACA1221LC with limited amount of RAM, like it is possible with FURIA for example?

    So I can try to transfer files in full PCMCIA friendly mode and see how it behaves.

    So this question is exactly if i can use ACA1221lc with 4mb of ram and how to do it exactly. If not, can such feature be added to ACATOOL at some point?

    Thank you in advance.

  • The ACA1221lc can't "free" that part of the Z2 memory area; it's a hardware limitation, impossible to change with the ACAtool. However, I haven't heard of any networking card that requires that area. What kind of networking card are you using? Large files should not be any different from smaller files, except you have lots of transfer errors.

    In order to catch such an error, you'll have to describe your whole system, including all expansions, your power supply, TCP/IP stack used, transfer protocol and possibly even the other side, as there is also a chance that errors are happening on the sender side.

  • Thanks, confusing I admit. I tried on lower CPU frequency, and then it worked OK. But then I set "VBR in fast mem", and it worked ok with 40MHz as well.

    I will need to test this further.

  • You can only expect 40MHz to be reliable if you have a CA-PSU. All others don't have low-enough ripple and enough regulation precision at higher loads.

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