Where is Picasso96

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • OK, usually when registering at a web-shop you get logged in in the same process. And what is this stupidity with not showing certain products unless signed in?

  • What you call stupidity is merely making sure that you can also download the product if you buy it. Since this is happening in the order history of the user account, this would be a long way for guest-orders:

    If you place an order as a guest, this can be associated with a new user account if the shipping address is identical with the one used for the guest-order. So if you've placed an order as a guest and made a new user account, you can associate the old guest order with the new user account by using the order ID as a "password".

    HOWEVER, since a download product does not have a shipping address associated with it, the new user account would not find the guest-order, and it would have to be associated manually. Customers would have to wait until our admin finds the time to do that, and they would ask "why didn't you make sure that I can't place a guest-order for a download?". And they might even choose a similar wording as you did.

    So please accept that this is a known-good way to deliver paid downloads.

  • Like hell it is. I've been going round and round in circles clicking links and nowhere does it say anything about being logged in to even VIEW it. I was looking at buying it now I've got a PiStorm32 Lite in my A1200 but I think I'll take my money elsewhere.

  • Well, the "nowhere" part is easily debunked, as we have separate listings that only show up for guests where the product is advertised and described, including the fact that buying downloads is only possible after making a member account on the shop site.

    Please do take the time to read what we write - thank you!

  • Hi.

    I am trying to buy a license for P96, and just tried to register in the shop.

    I get this error message and it doesn't seem to create an account.

    Hmm tried attaching the error message as an image but it didn't seem to work.

    See below for a quote of the error message contents.

    Then I registered for the forum, but the confirmation message for the forum registration here doesn't arrive in my inbox.

    Have re-requested it once already.

    So I had to reply instead of creating a new thread.

    Would have been happy to contact you by e-mail but couldn't find any address or form.

    I also tried re-registering in both languages, but got the same error message.

    How can I proceed?


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  • Update: My forum activation e-mail arrived 10 minutes ago and it worked. Still wondering about the shop account error message.


    Edit: Retried the shop registration and it worked. Thanks.

  • Our eMail server had quite a bit of downtime yesterday, and the shop obviously doesn't like it when registration eMails can't be sent out. This was fixed around 16:45 yesterday. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.