Shipping option "Parcel One" temporarily disabled

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Still hoping for a better shipping solution to Canada than UPS. The last order cost way too much for what I received.

  • Sorry, but I have no way of complying with the PayPal terms and shipping for a lower price at the same time. However, you might want to check with forwarding services like "MyGermany" - they may offer lower prices for the journey over the pond.

    I've been using mailbox services in the US for orders from companies that would not ship international. They actually allowed me to collect multiple orders from different sources and ship them to Germany in a single parcel, saving me lots of money.


  • Perhaps a different payment service? Most website process credit cards directly instead of using paypal.

    I'd really like to be able to order again!

  • I'd really like to be able to order again!

    YOu can do that, and you'll get premium shipping service. I really don't think that it's worth the effort of adding a specialized credit card processing service, only to add an el-cheapo-shipping service that will cost me days, possibly weeks of the year to inquire about lost or delayed parcels.

    I'm genuinely happy with UPS, because my work of inquiring about lost or damaged parcels is considerably down - for this year, the lost labour because of that is less than one hour. When I was still working with DHL, I actually had to *limit* my time to inquire with DHL about lost/delayed parcels, so I had at least *some* productive days of the week. That's not a good basis for a business. When I ship, I want to have peace of mind.


  • You should be able to save money with another merchant service for processing credit cards. Paypal has some of the highest fees I have come across with the worst TOS.

    UPS just does not work well for Canada. The brokerage fees end up making the product too expensive. Not only that, their service is terrible here. 4 out of 5 orders recently I had to phone them to actual get the product delivered. Post office is trouble free and inexpensive.

  • Post office is trouble free and inexpensive.

    ...and only available through DHL from the German side of the pond. Since DHL is a pain to work with if it comes to lost&delayed parcels (you literally have to start one lawsuit per parcel to get their attention), this is out of the question.

    I did research options to ship through brokers in Belgum or the Netherlands, but haven't found one that will accept a bulk shipment.

    If you know of (or would like to research) a bulk shipment service in Canada, I'm happy to check their terms.

    UPS just does not work well for Canada.

    Note that we send "UPS express saver", which means that there's a money-back guarantee for delayed shipments. If you get your parcel late, just let me know and I'll get the money back from UPS - straight into your account.

    You should be able to save money with another merchant service for processing credit cards. Paypal has some of the highest fees I have come across with the worst TOS.

    If it comes to money transfers, you will save the most money if you don't use credit cards at all, but use a wire transfer service like or atlantic money (the latter for larger sums, as they charge a flat fee, regardless what amount you're sending). I personally use for international transfers, and if you haven't used them before, I'm happy to send you an affiliate link that will give you a free first transfer.


  • I've purchased another Amiga recently and need to order more upgrades. However I am still unable to use UPS. Their fees are just extortionate. I placed 1 order with UPS express saver and it doubled the cost of the order between the high initial cost and fees at this end. Possible to revisit this? I'm really hoping there is a better solution going forward. Kind regards, Jason

  • Feel free to make a suggestion, and I'll investigate if they offer the required level of service.


  • JasonE
    Failing you finding an option that costs less than $50CDN, to ship an envelope from iComp, which meets the ever increasing requirements. (Even though the UPS option currently offered does not strictly meet those)

    I'm placing an order with two other customers stuff, you could add your item if you want.
    That may move your costs down from "Wait... How Much! ???" to ... "That's Normal"

  • (Even though the UPS option currently offered does not strictly meet those)

    The requirement for PayPal is "tracked, arriving in 7 days or less" - UPS is fulfilling that easily. Care to specify what you're talking about?


  • The requirement for PayPal is "tracked, arriving in 7 days or less" - UPS is fulfilling that easily. Care to specify what you're talking about?


    Perhaps a different payment service?

  • It doesn't really matter what payment service you choose - if the ultimate payment form is a credit card, then people can claim back the money if huge delays are happening. I've had this too many times, and the only way to stop losing money and time for communicating with customers, service companies and my lawyer was to stop using low-cost shipping services.

    I'm happy to work with local resellers and/or support group buys. Resellers have really low hurdles to cross, as I have lowered the minimum stock requirement to 5000,- EUR many years ago.


  • The requirement for PayPal is "tracked, arriving in 7 days or less" - UPS is fulfilling that easily. Care to specify what you're talking about?


    1) You have a link to where PayPal states that the total shipping time 'must' be seven days or less ?

    2) "A delayed shipping chargeback is when a customer files a chargeback with their bank or credit card

    company because their order arrived later than expected or hadn't arrived yet."

    My experience:

    When courier shipping costs are a significant portion of the total purchase price,

    I've found VISA customer service reps agree that the shipping delivery standard

    (two days, three days, etc) is a significant component of the overall purchase.

    Having the item arrive on or before the courier service standard is part of what makes the goods worth their full purchase price.

    Arriving a day later than the courier service standard can mean free shipping and a negotiated product discount.

    Retail psychology...

    That's a whole thing right there... I'd not want to be a small online retailer today...

    Trying to figure out the nature of your customers and predict how they will perceive your comments and practices...

    VISA enabled transaction outcomes are subject to the customers nature and mood.

    Will they gift you the ability to fix a problem,

    Will they gift you co-operation in troubleshooting,

    Will they gift you additional time when you need it,

    I don't know that there is much you can do to 'fix' an evil nature resulting in loss, but the customers mood...

    That seems like a place where the retailer could have significant leverage, if they are perceptive.

  • 1) You have a link to where PayPal states that the total shipping time 'must' be seven days or less ?

    Sigh. I've explained it a number of times, even in this thread. THe short form is: It's not written in their terms, but it is executed. I've lost good, fees and an additional 14,- EUR "conflict fee" numerous times when people open a dispute the minute they get hold of the tracking number. PayPal give me seven days to prove that the goods have reached the person that has opened the dispute, and with low-cost shipping services, I can't do that. That means that I'll be losing the good, money, additional fees and my time. I'm not going to do that again.

    2) "A delayed shipping chargeback is when a customer files a chargeback with their bank or credit card

    company because their order arrived later than expected or hadn't arrived yet."

    Not sure what you're asking for here, but I can't do anything from this side if the customer claims that my action is fraud or whatever else people claim in order not to pay. The general assumption is that the seller is the bad guy, and the person that has paid is about to lose money to a criminal. This is essentially reversing the "benefit of the doubt" principle that the western legal system, which is normally "only guilty if proven", but PayPal makes that "guilty as charged, unless proven to be innocent".

    I can only prove that I'm innocent if I get the goods to the customer within seven days.

    Arriving a day later than the courier service standard can mean free shipping and a negotiated product discount.

    What people have done is not not negotiate, but get a >100% discount (=causing more loss than the goods they have stolen). This needs to be paid for at some point, and ultimately, it will be the honest, paying customers.

    Will they gift you the ability to fix a problem,

    Will they gift you co-operation in troubleshooting,

    Will they gift you additional time when you need it,

    That's three times "no" for PayPal. Once they have closed a dispute by taking the money away from the seller, there is no way to re-open the dispute, even if tracking "now" says that the goods have arrived. It's not even clear whom I'd have to sue - PayPal or the customer - and both parties are outside Germany, so legal fees are over-proportionally high. The loss is on iComp, and ultimately, all honest customers.

    but the customers mood...

    I know that it's a minority making a majority suffer. I've thought about doxxing the people who have done that, but it would be too easy for them to turn that around on me, just by saying "come pick the stuff up!" - knowing that I won't risk sending UPS their way and getting a box full of stones, or even sending money their way that will never be used for shipping my property.

    So essentially, we're talking about a problem of our society where some people think it's OK to rip someone off if they can remain anonymous, or they believe they have deserved the goods for free for some reason. I'm not even attempting to fix that, but focus on making good products that are worth the shipping cost.

    That seems like a place where the retailer could have significant leverage, if they are perceptive.

    Absolutely. It's just that resellers have a history of raking in the profits, and re-directing support work my way, while at the same time pressuring me to send out low quantities of goods "same day", so their customers don't wait too long. In other words: They have used me as their external stock, minimizing their capital expenses. The low initial order requirement has put off every single reseller request that I've had in the past years, indicating that noe of them were really serious: Quick and "safe" money yes, but work and risk? No.


  • Previously you had suggested for wire payments. Are you able to setup a lower cost shipping method to Canada if we use that to pay you? The fees look reasonable compared to paypal.

    I've provided examples before of how much UPS adds to the overall cost. Quite frankly I'd rather wait a few weeks longer for the savings. Postal works really well into Canada for rates and fees at this end.

  • Are you able to setup a lower cost shipping method to Canada if we use that to pay you?

    Yes, but at this point, I don't ahve a carrier that would offer a lower cost service. Again, if you have a suggestion, please let me know.

    The fees look reasonable compared to paypal.

    The fees are way lower. Combined with the actual exchange rate (not the cash rate that PayPal charges), it's a steal.

    Postal works really well into Canada for rates and fees at this end.

    Deutsche Post and DHL are one company now, and I won't work with them again. They don't care if a parcel is lost in transit or damaged, and I always have to start a lawsuit to get the insurance payment. Yes, I did win each and everyone of them, and they also had to pay my lawyer on top, but the time I have to spend on that won't ever be paid. Not an option.


  • My suggestion is postal, or some 3rd party where it arrives via. Canada Post. DHL/UPS/Fedex all rape us at both ends of the shipment.

    We'll concede and use, hopefully you will make a concession at your end. It would be nice to be able to order from you again,

  • My suggestion is postal

    Again, that implies using DHL on this side, as DHL and Deutsche Post are one company (since 2019 or 2020, can't remember).

    If anyone has a contact to some other European postal service where I can send parcels to, that might be a solution. Preferrably "close by", so Belgium or The Netherlands, but I can use land shipping to pretty much any central European country for very reasonable prices, so Eastern European countries may be the way to go.

    The idea of using Eastern European services is not new - most Germans that I know who use Deutsche Bahn buy their train tickets in Poland, even if they don't leave Germany. Again - I need a contact or a 3rd party who is willing to work with a small company that only has a few shipments per week.


  • That could work. I really don't care if it takes an extra week to get here. It's not like these are computers we rely on every day.

    it is interesting you've had so much trouble with the postal side of DHL. There are a few places in the UK that use them directly from there because they are cheaper than Royal Mail. I've never had any issues at this end from either. Canada Post can be slow at times but to date I've never lost a package.