2 x Ace2B - one working, the other one not

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi,

    I got two Ace2b chipram expansions, bought earlier this year and 2 rev5 A500s.

    The story so far - the one I got earlier shows up in both machines as 2mb chip ram but after double clicking the icons in WB the machines crash. Cia-s check out ok. Sockets are cleaned etc in both machines as well.

    The other one worked perfectly after the first power on in both A500s.

    Quick memory tests have not indicated any errors. Anything else left to try?


  • Please try cleaning the adapter socket that goes into the socket of your A500. IPA and an old toothbrush are the right tools - and it's even a good idea to insert it while it's still wet, as this will also clean the contacts of the socket.

    We do test each individual unit before it gets the warranty ID sticker, which is why I'm pretty confident that the fault is not in the ACE2b unit.

  • Thanks for getting back.
    Cleaned the sockets with IPA and a toothbrush initially as well.
    Checked and adjusted the pins of sockets, inserted Ace2b still wet. No change. But the other Ace2b and both original Agnuses work with no issues.

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