Amiga 500
I've not been using my Micromys V5 very much, but now that the system I built for it is complete, and I'm using it regularly, I've noticed an intermittent problem.
1 out of ever 3 power cycles roughly.
On power-up, once the Amiga has finished loading Workbench, the pointer is found in the top left corner of the screen.
As soon as I try to move the mouse, the pointer moves to the top right of the screen, and pretty well stays there...
I mean... if you play with the mouse, scroll the scroll wheel, etc... you can get the pointer to jump to to the left a bit, but it goes back to the top right soon after.
Initially, I thought...maybe it's not auto detecting the computer 100% correctly, so I moved the Micromys V5 jumpers to the 'Amiga' position
Based on information found here ->
But that didn't solve the issue..
Then I thought...maybe the mouse connector (DB9) on the motherboard was worn or damaged, I got lazy and just swapped the A500 motherboard.
But that didn't solve the issue.
Sometimes, I can just unplug the Micromys V5 and plug it back in and the issue goes away
But that's not a solution
When the Micromys V5 'works' at startup, it stays working fine, I've not seen any issue appear after starting up successfully..
If I unplug the Micromys V5 when its malfunctioning at start-up and plug in an original Amiga mouse, the pointer works properly.
I don't experience any weirdness using the original mouse...ever...
Any thoughts on why I'm seeing this odd Micromys V5 behaviour ?