AGA MK2cr - Chunks

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  • Goodmorning dear Icomp,

    I have a question regarding the indivision for the 1200.

    Being impressed with the clarity and sharpness i was wondering why i get chunks of data in the display that don't make sense. In the native amiga resolution i do not get any hassle, i just appears when i select a higher resolution. Yet i remember you fixed my ECS500 a while ago because it was more sensitive to "noise'. Can't help thinking this might be a similar issue.

    See the small clip (stripes appear next to the word "Prefs")

    Kind regards,


  • Yes, this is a chipset issue that's merely displayed by Indivision, not caused by Indivision. You probably never had a monitor before that could display SHires modes before, and now that Indivision is showing everything clearly, you see the weakness of the chipset.

    The fixes described in that thread will help.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.