RapidRoad Clockport Version on ACA500PLUS. Died.

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • I was using the device when suddenly the monitor flashed blue and everything reset. When it reboot the Rapidroad light had gone off.

    I reset the power again and watched the RapidRoad. The white light flickered dimmly for a second or two then went off.

    There is now no life showing from the RapidRoad at all. Anybody any ideas. This card is less than a week old.

    It was powered directly from the motherboard and Df0: had been turned off in the menu of the ACA500PLUS.

  • I have since disconected it completely and connected a realtime clock to the ACA500PLUS clockport and this is working correctly and showing up time when you boot the ACA500PLUS.

  • So to follow on. I have tried the Rapidroad in my A600 Connecting it to the 604n interface and nothing. dead. but i cant see the light due to it being faced downwards.

  • What power supply are you using for your A500 setup, and did you hook up the shield of the RapidRoad? If so, where? Can you take a picture?

  • I was using the original A500 brick power supply. And the earth was connected to the same point as the Individual Computers ECSv1. At the side of the side slot. I have removed the Rapid Road at the moment. As it doesnt seem to be working ie Dead. I have tried it in my A600. I can try it in my A1200 if you wish. I may not reply for a day or two as work stands in the way.. Sorry

  • Is there posting to and from the UK yet. As i dont want to send it if it is going to get lost in the courier services. I also wish to purchase a ACE2.

  • We can surely receive packages from the UK, but we currently can't send anything. As I already wrote in another post here in the forum, I haven't even tried another registration for UK VAT, as I have more important things to do - like keeping the lights on here. I can't afford to spend days for a process that took less than a few hours for Norwegian VAT registration, so the process *can* be streamlined and possible to complete for mortals like me.

    What you can do about it? Not sure - vote for a different gorernment next time you have the chance. I'm all willing to pay taxes in the UK for revenue that I'm making in the UK, but the current situation feels like "we don't want your money, and if you ship anything here, you will personally be held liable for what your company did wrong". Please understand that resolving this is not my top priority.

  • Good Evening Jens. i spoke today with Amigakit where i bought the rapidroad from. they advise me that you cant send products to customers in the UK. But you can send to business`s . So if i send item back for repair etc. Can you then forward this to Amigakit. Then i can pay for them to forward it to me. And if i wished to buy an ACE2 could this be forwarded to them also. I am just trying to find a way around the beurocratic sytstems that are in place. Thanks in advance

  • So if i send item back for repair etc. Can you then forward this to Amigakit. Then i can pay for them to forward it to me.

    That sounds possible - here's hope that the customs officer will get the difference between "declared value" (which must be for a fully-working RR on the way back) and "charged money", which is zero for a warranty repair (we treat most of these RR deaths as warranty returns).

    And if i wished to buy an ACE2 could this be forwarded to them also.

    That's a new purchase, and the UK want to see VAT for it. It would be possible if we make a sale to AmigaKit, but they would need to add a margin on top, as they need to run it through their books, pay UK VAT and so on. Unfortunately, we've delivered goods worth more than 1000,- EUR this month already, creating more problems for outgoing customs: If any shipment (single or grouped) is above that threshold, we need to announce the export first and keep the parcel for a certain amount of time for inspection of the goods by customs. We've done that once, and sure enough, customs did show up here to inspect the parcel early in the morning without prior announcement, when the parcel had already left the day before. That created a HUGE hassle that taught me the lesson of going with the exact wording of the law - otherwise customs can literally shut down the business for good. I won't risk this.

  • Morning Jens

    I have finally got to send the RR back for you to look at As you are now posting to the UK again. When it returns i am worried about your mentioning of power supply issues. Does the power supply in your shop supply the right clean power to use with A500 with ACA500plus , Gotek drive , Rgb2Hdmi Card and Blizzard 1230IV. Or can you suggest one that would be good please.

  • I have totally given up clock port devices - I won't recommend anything, as people don't read or follow instructions anyway. I'll repair what I have to, but won't make any new clock port device.

  • I sent Rapidroad back to you registered insured and you received it 17-06-2021. I included info as requested and proof of purchase etc. I havent heard anything back. What is the progress with this item please.

  • RR returns aren't on top priority, to be honest. We're currently struggling with chip shortage, putting all available time into not running out of stock, as that would mean laying off employees - and I don't want to do that. Please understand that it may take up to 4 weeks for returns to be handled.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.