Posts by blakespot

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.

    First thing I had in mind was a missing CPU/RAM daughter card, but I can see that on the video. Check if that's sitting properly in the slot, maybe clean the contacts, move it back&forth, don't push all the way in, but pull a few mils out.

    Also, I can see that the board does not have the FPGA extender. I completely forgot if the "new startup" that you're trying to load requires the Extender or not. It's very likely that it's required, as the new startup came with the new cores that were written for the FPGA extender.

    According to this page, the Newboot image does not require the FPGA extender.

    "Newboot is the new C-One startup core. Newboot brings a completely new life to your C-One - no matter if you have the FGPA extender card or not. Why should you upgrade? ..."

    Is that not the case? Thanks.
