Posts by SID-6581

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.

    Hello Alastair,

    thanks for the new firmware version from 07/26/2021.

    I particularly like the fact that a primary hard disk and a secondary hard disk, each with a master and slave, can now be selected in the configuration and thus a total of 4 hard disks can be used.

    I would like to point out a problem to you.

    Hard disk files that are specified as a secondary hard disk as master and slave are not recognized by the system.

    I only use 4 GB hard disk files. As a master on the primary hard disk I set up AmigaOS 3.2, as a slave a hard disk file as storage. That’s going great.

    But if I use the hard disk files HDD3.hdf and HDD4.hdf as master and slave as secondary hard disks, they are not displayed on the Workbench.

    If I alternately use HDD3.hdf and HDD4.hdf as slave as primary hard disk, they are displayed correctly. So the hard disk files are OK. There must be a problem with the secondary hard disk in the MinimigAGA Core ... at least that's what I suspect.



    Yes, with this a clean boot process of the minimig core works on SLOT2 of the TC64V1 on my previous SD card. Nice work, thank you very much!

    After the FDS-BIOS has been loaded, the blue "Nintendo ... now loading" screen appears. If I select the menu with F12 and then "back", I can now also see the .fds files with the load function. I can start it, but then land back on the blue "Nintendo ... now loading" screen without actually loading the game. Must the file names have a certain length?

    I doubt it, as the BASIC interpreter would complain: The number would be interpreted as a REAL, which is the first error, and since the second argument is missing, there's another error. I guess we can safely assume that there is a comma in the actual source.

    To be on the safe side, I repeated it again with the comma. The mistake remains. However, with another SD card the minimig core booted correctly ... problems then arise in the further loading process. I have now ordered two new SD cards and will try again with them.

    OK, here's an update ...

    So the FDS files are displayed normally in the FDS folder as long as the NES core has been loaded. NES games then run, FDS games do not. If I now load the FDS BIOS, a Nintendo screen appears. Now the FDS files in the FDS folder are no longer displayed. Is this an error?

    Thanks Alastair.

    The NES core has been running pretty well on my TC64V1 so far. I've already tested one game. ;-)

    I have just successfully loaded the FDS bios and was surprised that the file extension ".fds" is not recognized when I want to load a gamerom. Which file extension is expected by the core?

    My MinimigAGACore is on slot 2. So I changed the program like this:

    1. 10 slot = 2
    2. 20 poke 53502.42
    3. 30 poke 53502.16 + slot

    After copying the program boot.prg into the main directory of the SD card, the boot process still hangs in the yellow window of the TC64V1 start mode. What am I doing wrong?

    P.S: If I use your source code with slot = 3, the core from slot 3 starts properly.

    Modulo support probably isn't going to happen, because (a) it will make the logic significantly larger, and (b) mean I have to adjust the RTG's RAM FIFO so that it can stop and retrace a line, throwing away what it's prefetched. What I will try to do instead is move the scandoubler, which is currently deep within the Minimig, out to the toplevel where it can be used with RTG screenmodes too - this should achieve the same thing (i.e. making low-res RTG screenmodes usable) without ballooning the core size,

    I would like to ask again on the subject. Have you already had the opportunity to start your project with regard to the Scandoubler?

    I have created two GEOS installations. One with 4MB GEOSRam the other with 4MB REU,

    As is well known, I can create a GEOSRam image as well as a REU image with the TC64.

    When I load the respective images, they are loaded into the memory, but what do I have

    to do that they are not only loaded into the memory, but also started, so that GEOS loads

    very quickly?