Posts by Cego

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.

    it is partly working already, but as said just the other way round. While working on a PAL screen, P96 screen is still visible and refreshing. Maybe you can check it out by trying out a CGX setup. The option there is called "KeepAmigaVideo"

    btw, i am not talking about a Dual Monitor concept as in todays systems, where the second monitor is an extension of the Desktop.

    I just want to be able to open up a separate screen on my PAL/RGB output. Right now, when I do this (f.e run PPaint or MooVID video player) the PAL screen will go black (but the program still runs), when I switch back to Workbench (Amiga+m). Workbench screen however will stay visible when I'm on PPaint.

    well, it is possible on CybergraphX since 25 years. Both PAL and Graphicscard output are separately and P96 would have to manage only the graphics card and just keep the Amiga RGB active and usable.

    Back in the day I have been watching a VCD on my 1084S monitor, while surfing the web on my Workbench (BVision output).

    Is it possible to use RGB and P96 screen simultaneously? Right now RGB out will go black when I switch to the P96 WB Screen. Or is this feature being implemented for the next update?

    Ok that’s very generous of you and will benefit the community as a whole.

    i have noticed that there are incompatibilities with other hardware like FastATA V or simple mSATA IDE adaptors.

    As a user I can only ask all the parties for a solution and hope that it’ll work out somehow.

    Needless to say that I am very excited about the MKIII! :)

    I read that on the Vampire1200/MKIIcr combination it’s mandatory to patch the config tool.
    is it going to be the same with the MKIII?
    I am asking because I was wondering which party supplied the patch.

    Hi Jens,

    i have a question regarding the HDMI/VGA connector. Is it also possible to mount it to the place where the RF modulator was?

    Right now my expansion slot is used by the Prisma Megamix audio outputs!

    Is there a feature list for this card? Do you think about additional features you didn't have in mind yet?

    Regarding power and features: where will this card be ranked compared to TF1260, Warp1260 and V1200?

    The Warp1260 f.e. got a connector for a flickerfixer, to have both RTG and Amiga RGB coming from one HDMI output. I think that idea is brilliant and a very neat solution!