Posts by Jon Robertson

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.

    The ACA2000 won't fulfill this requirement, as no A1200 supports DMA. As a result, the ACA2000 won't be able to pass DMA accesses from the 86-pin slot to the A1200 accelerator's memory.

    Do you mean no A2000 supports DMA?

    I thought accelerators for an A2000 had memory on the accelerator board. I'm fairly new to Amiga hardware, so I may be confused. I almost bought a Microbotics VXL-30 on eBay. But I didn't because it didn't include a VXL RAM-32 expansion and I read that there would be very little performance benefit since the accelerator could only access memory via the slower bus.

    I recently purchased my first Amiga 2000. I would be very interested in purchasing the ACA2000 once it becomes available.

    Actually, it is an Amiga 2000HD with the 2091 SCSI card and a 4GB HD. I mention that because any accelerator that I buy would need to be happy in the same machine as the 2091.


    My apologies, I expected to find an answer online but I haven't been able to.

    Although the C64 was my primary computer from 1982 to 1990, and still my favorite of all time, I never got into the hardware specifics. Can someone clarify the difference between a "64 -cycle" and a "65-cycle" C64? I found one forum that said it was a difference in the VIC-II chips, and that "6567R8 and newer, like the 8562" would work.

    Is that accurate? Are there breadbin C64s (pre-C64C) that would work with the TC V2?
