A sneak peek at the ACA1240/1260 cooling system

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  • Just downloaded Sysspeed V2.6, hoping that install works without problems. Peter said he had trouble to get it to work.

    I also have trouble installing Quake on my test machine, but that's mostly related to the small flash medium I'm booting from: It's just 128MByte. I'll have to try getting my test-installation to a larger CF card and see if I can install Quake there. Help for Quake and ADoom would be appreciated - for example in form of a complete lha over all requried files (I don't have a DOS machine where I can unpack the .pak file on). Didn't look into ADoom at all yet.


  • Sysspeed V2.6 works (MUI was already installed on this machine), but it doesn't execute all tests - naturally, as things like AdPro and GoldEd aren't installed. Please check if you can make something of this module - it's made with the 95MHz 68060 core, so it's easier to compare against the Warp1260, which appears to also be using 95MHz by default (at least in most videos that I've found).

    Let me know if I shall run any other tests. Oh, found the ADoom V1.41 archive, will attempt that tomorrow morning.


    Edit: ADoom V1.4 doesn't appear to have an installer and doesn't find wad files if started from RAM disk. Readme is insamely long! Leaving office for today.

  • I tried to compare your results with my Warp (at 95MHz) and it seems that you have your FW really well tuned, congratulations. My values and yours are not quite comparable because I did the test on AmigaOS, but still. The You column is my Warp test at 95MHz, the Unbekant column are your results from your SysSpeed module. For interest, I am attaching my module with all tests including AdPro and GoldEd.

  • Thanks! We're actually not yet done with the tuning, as we may be able to shave off yet another wait state for the first-access-penalty (the cache-miss-and-open-row case). At this point, there's only a single address comparator, which spits out it's result to the different parts of the design at the same time, when all comparison is done.

    For fastmem, we may be able to creat an "express lane" that sends out the result to the memory controller one clock cycle earlier.

    I won't be able to work on installing any of the more complicated games in the coming days. If there's one-file things that I can download and quickly test, I'd be more than happy to do that. Our work on the chip ram interface *should* result in demonstrably-better FPS rates, but I don't want to claim any percentage in comparison to the two other cards on the market. One thing is for sure: We're last to the market, but defninitely not last in performance and compatibility.

    I'm planning to make a seminar about the ACA1240/1260 architecture for Revision 2024. This will make clear where you can lose a lot of time in such a design, and how we've approached it. We actually had a prototype that had extremely poor chip ram performance, then made major changes on the design, because I wanted to max out the A1200 interface, even with a 25MHz 68040 CPU (at least on writes).


  • Using AGA NTSC 320x200 screenmode, 060 C2P routine, "timedemo demo2" gives me 985 frames in 60.3 seonds = 16.33 FPS. This is at 95MHz.

    I only found CGX graphics speed demos for other cards, so I have a hard time judging it. Is that what you'd expect from this AGA screen size?


    EDIT: According to this post, Warp1260 using PAL 320x256 makes 12.96 FPS, second only to the Vampire card. When I switch to PAL, it's getting slower by a few percent: 985 frames in 69.7 secons = 14.12 FPS. So roughly a frame more per second. Not a huge margin, but noticable.

  • Quake Clickboom 68060@100Mhz AGA NTSC 320x200x8bit Demo1 (A4000 mit BFG) - 20.25fps


    A1200,TF1260 with 68060@100Mhz - Clickboom Quake AGA NTSC 320x200x8bit - 16,5FPS - Habe aber kein Video dazu gemacht nur notiert.

    Nutze immer demo1. Kannst du auch ein timedemo demo1 machen?

  • Kannst du auch ein timedemo demo1 machen?

    Timedemo demo1 in NTSC 320x200 macht bei 95MHz 15,98 FPS (60,6 Sekunden). Fürs Umstellen auf 100MHz brauche ich mehr Zeit - ein Tool gibt es dafür noch nicht und ich habe heute noch einiges Andere auf dem Plan.

    Bei dem Ergebnis mit dem A4000 würde ich gern nochmal vergleichen, was die anderen Einstellungen sind. Das sieht für mich so aus, als wäre das nicht AGA, sondern RTG-Grafik - vielleicht aber auch ein kleinerer Bildausschnitt. Ich ziehe immer auf volle Größe um beste Vergleichbarkeit zu haben. Ich hab' mal Dein Video angesehen: Bei 0:23 sieht man, dass Du die Screengröße auf ca. drei Viertel reduziert hast. Wenn ich das mache, bekomme ich bei 95MHz 19,27FPS. Ich habe aber nicht alles im Multitasking abgestellt - bei mir läuft immer noch ein TCP/IP Stack, und das Laufwerk klickt fröhlich vor sich hin, ergo ist Multitasking aktiv. Wenn ich die rund 5% Taktfrequenz addiere, liege ich damit gleich auf mit der BFG.

    Die BFG und die TF1260 machen also spürbar mehr Performance in Sachen Speicher im Vergleich zur Warp1260. Vielleicht sollte ich mir die Werte mal genauer ansehen, damit ich nicht den langsamsten "Gegner" jage :-) Trotzdem müsste man für eine wirkliche Vergleichbarkeit immer die Screengröße maximieren, sonst vergleicht man Äpfel mit Birnen.

    Wir können zwar noch Speicherzugriff optimieren, aber das wird erst passieren, wenn die Software-API für sämtliche Features steht und wir mit dem Debugging der Peripherie außenrum beginnen können. Es nützt nichts, wenn wir jetzt das letzte Bisschen Performance angehen, aber dafür Zeit bei den Dingen verlieren, die am Ende die Karte wirklich im Alltag benutzbar machen. Optimierungen können wir immer als Flash-Update veröffentlichen, denn die Hardware ist genau wie unsere Flickerfixer gebaut: Der FPGA kann im Feld ein Update bekommen, und wir können damit andere row-open Strategien, Verteilung von Rows/columns und andere Adresskomparatoren testen. Ideen habe ich reichlich, aber das wird vom Team aktiv gebremst, immer mit dem Mantra "first make it work, then make it fast".


  • In Commodore A1200 Reloaded you have had some tricky technology improving chipset access to ram - is this is in ACA?

  • Hallo Jens,

    ja richtig, ich habe mich für den reduzierten "Fullscreen" entschieden und damit auch alle videos gemacht, weil mit dem vollen "Fullscreen", man doch 2-3FPS verliert, ich wollte eine BaseConfig für Quake haben, die überall (060@100Mhz :) ) spielbar wäre. Ich habe aktuelle nicht mehr alle Setups und das in Fullscreen zu drehen. Also wenn du mit meinen Werten vergleichen müssen, würde es Sinn machen auch den reduzierten "Fullscreen" einzustellen.

    Ich habe folgende Daten gesammelt ():

    QuakeWOS, BlizzardPPC@160Mhz, Voodoo3 320x200x8bit Demo1 (1200,Warp3D) - 20,5FPS

    QuakeWOS, BlizzardPPC@160Mhz, Voodoo3 512x384x8bit Demo1 (1200,Warp3D) - 9,6FPS

    GLQuakeWOS/BlitzquakeWOS, BlizzardPPC@160Mhz, Voodoo3 512x384x15bit Demo1 (1200,Warp3D) - 24,2FPS


    A4000TX, BFG9060 with 68060@100Mhz, Cybervision 64/3D


    AmigaOS 3.1, CyberGraphX V4, Warp3D 4.2a, mmulib

    GLQuake 320x200x15bit - 12,3FPS - man kann auf 14.5 kommen, wenn man ein paar Sachen bei der Quake-Config tweaked

    Clickboom Quake CGXv4 320x200x8bit - 21,27FPS

    Clickboom Quake CGXv4 320x200x15bit - 17,7FPS

    Clickboom Quake AGA NTSC 320x200x8bit - 20,25FPS

    NovaCoder AmiQuake AGA NTSC 320x200x8bit - 17,9FPS


    A4000TX, BFG9060 with 68060@100Mhz, Cybervision 64


    AmigaOS 3.1, CyberGraphX V4, Warp3D 4.2a, mmulib

    Clickboom Quake P96 3.2.x 320x200x8bit - 23,45FPS

    Clickboom Quake P96 3.2.x 512x342x8bit - 15,33FPS (non-Fullscreen)

    Clickboom Quake AGA NTSC 640x200x8bit - 14FPS (non-Fullscreen)


    A1200,TF1260 with 68060@100Mhz, Mediator TX, Voodoo3, Killer K1, Terratec 512i/FM801


    AmigaOS 3.1, Picasso2.1b, Warp3D 4.2 von Elbox, AHI 4.18

    GLQuake/Blitzquake 68060@100Mhz, Voodoo3 512x384x16bit - 26,8FPS

    Quake Clickboom 68060@100Mhz, Voodoo3 320x200x8bit - 18,51FPS

    Quake WOS/PPC Killer K1 603e@333Mhz, 68060@100Mhz, Voodoo3 512x384x16bit - 30FPS

    Clickboom Quake AGA NTSC 320x200x8bit - 16,5FPS

    Für die meisten Sachen gibt es auch ein Video. Den ganzen Thread kannst du hier finden:

    Da sind auch Video verlink.



  • Just curious - how is/was the lack of stability showing itself?

    My ACA1221 A1200 (+mk2 indi) has some graphical glitches at first power on. Power it off after it's booted and on again and it's completely steady. I'm using the CA PSU and a transformer for 240V, and the Amiga was recapped (though 8 years ago now).

  • Just curious - how is/was the lack of stability showing itself?

    The answer is in the text you've quoted: The system wouldn't start if cold, or freezes a few seconds into the boot process. That problem has been solved long ago, but as you might have guessed, we're working on a different section of the design right now.

    My ACA1221 A1200 (+mk2 indi) has some graphical glitches at first power on. Power it off after it's booted and on again and it's completely steady. I'm using the CA PSU and a transformer for 240V, and the Amiga was recapped (though 8 years ago now).

    The ACA1221 (without ec or lc in the name) might need the board reworks that are described here:



  • The answer is in the text you've quoted: The system wouldn't start if cold, or freezes a few seconds into the boot process. That problem has been solved long ago, but as you might have guessed, we're working on a different section of the design right now.

    The ACA1221 (without ec or lc in the name) might need the board reworks that are described here:



    Thanks Jens! I do have the original ACA1221 (no suffix), will look into this or order an ACA1234 :).

    How much will older software compatibility differ with the ACA1240/ACA1260 than your 68020/68030 solutions? Is it generally going to work if it's available via WHDLOAD?

  • How much will older software compatibility differ with the ACA1240/ACA1260 than your 68020/68030 solutions? Is it generally going to work if it's available via WHDLOAD?

    In general, the 68020/68030 CPUs are more compatible. However, the ACA1240/1260 will come with a wealth of software pre-installed in it's flash to get around known incompatibilities, so the main incompatibility you'll face is the system running too fast for certain games. To get around that, you'll have a few things to tweak: Not just lowering the frequency, but switching off the ACA1240/1260 in software and give the 68ec020 on the host computer control - with fastmem of course, as part of the accelerator memory can still be used for the A1200's CPU.
