PS2 mouse and GEOS

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi all,

    I might be doing something wrong here I don't know. When enabling PS2 mouse ar 1351 on port 1 and booting GEOS my mouse movements do not copy to the pointer, however my mouse buttons do copy to movement in the pointer and also click (it moves verticaly only and clicks, depending on the mouse button I press). Is there any GEOS driver I should enable first? something wrong in TC conf or core? For the record I have only a Joystick connected on PORT2 on the Chameleon dock.



  • Input devices can be selected by pressing the Commodore key and 'i' together. Then use cursor keys to move the pointer and <RETURN> for confirming your choice and also for clicking the OK button. Of course the appropriate driver for 1351 has to be present on the current drive or on the system disk (can't remember in what way GEOS looks on disk and/or drives for drivers).

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.