I wrote a game for the Amiga a long time ago, in Modula-2, and later converted it to the PC (windows), using Delphi.
I want to get the original Delphi or Modula-2 code so I can write a smartphone app based on the game. Right now all I have is the Delphi .EXE on Windows.
I have been told it is possible to get Assembly code from the EXE file, but that would still leave a ton of work to unravel all that.
I still have the original Amiga disks with the original Modula-2 code I wrote. I have an a500 and an amiga 3000 somewhere. Not sure if I have a monitor or compatible printer.
What's the easiest way to get that code from those disks? Is there any way to read the contents of the Amiga disk from a PC 3.5" disk drive?
Thanks for any help!