I just received the new Indivision ECS V4, but unfortonately, my Amiga doesn't boot up, _nothing_ happens.
My setup:
A500 Rev 6 (PAL)
(and now the ECS V4)
I tried to following:
1) After removing the ECS V4 setup (replaced CIA and Denise): Amiga boots up beatyfully, and everything works just fine.
2) Reinstalled ECS V4, but left out the ACA500Plus: not boot activity, not even floppy.
3) Hmm ... thinking ... , now I removed the ESC V4 (and back goes Denise), leaving the CIA adapter on (with CIA Odd, of course).
Now I noticed that that the CIA _Adapter_ doesn't get fully inserted into the mother board socket, instead it kind of springs up.
(See images)
4) Well, following (kind of, it was getting late) a hunch: reinstalled everything, ACAs with ECS V4, this time forcing down the CIA-Adapter package;
"Success", the system booted, and I got a VGA output and everything works, at least as long as I can apply the pressure :-O
How you guys feel about this or is it "just me"?
Best regards,