ACA1234 - Red screen on cold boot

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • i went ahead and also ordered the 40mhz-50mhz upgrade for the card so i can eliminate one more thing.

    if i can get the card working at 50mhz as it works at 25mhz then i will be happy. 33mhz and 40mhz dont matter then.

    thats definitely the last money im spending on the amiga though. at the moment its stressing me out too much and at 72 years old i dont need the hassle for something that started as just a nostalgic retirement gift to myself.

    hopefully it wont take long to get the licence code in an email. i would have expected it instantly tbh but maybe its more complicated

  • no idea where those dupont connectors will go. doesnt appear to be any pins on the board apart from the eeprom reset jumper and the clock port.

    Like I wrote earlier: The jumper needs to be removed, as that's where the debug-out is being sent. Dual-use of headers, no components wasted :-)

    The pin on the outer edge is GND, but I don't remember which of the other pins is the Tx pin. You can just try that out - set your terminal program to 57600 Baud, 8N1, no handshake, and see which pin sends data. You can't break anything by choosing the wrong one. Just make sure you're connecting to the Rx pin of the adapter.


    (yes, license codes are checked manually, as the shop doesn't know which card has which speed licensed already - check your eMail, I have sent that out a minute ago)

  • i tested the amiga all day yesterday using a script to decrunch lha files into ram using the 50mhz speed setting that i purchased.

    everything was fine

    i switched it off overnight and its working perfectly this morning.

    no red screen. no issues at all booting

    i suspect that the aca1234 itself itself is damaged because 33mhz causes a red screen instantly and 40mhz is intermittent.

    as far as im aware there are 3 clock crystals on the aca. i think 2 of them are faulty and the only one working is the one controlling 25/50mhz

    because i bought it used im not under warranty, so a repair would cost me money.

    if i get a red screen again at 50mhz then i will test using that rs232 usb thing that i bought, but until then im not touching the machine save for putting all the screws back in and cables.

  • Glad to hear that the 50MHz license has lead to a success. However, if you see a red screen again, it may still be that the 28.37516MHz crystal in your A1200 is off. You also reported that you've had a TF accelerator that didn't work on your machine, but supposedly did on the seller's computer, so there is something to investigate - if you have the drive to do that.

    Putting screws back in is a good idea, as the screws make contact between the mainboard and the shield. This will also improve stability of your system


  • Glad to hear that the 50MHz license has lead to a success. However, if you see a red screen again, it may still be that the 28.37516MHz crystal in your A1200 is off. You also reported that you've had a TF accelerator that didn't work on your machine, but supposedly did on the seller's computer, so there is something to investigate - if you have the drive to do that.

    Putting screws back in is a good idea, as the screws make contact between the mainboard and the shield. This will also improve stability of your system


    if i do run into the issue again is it possible to send the card to you for it to be investigated and, if necessary, repaired for money?

  • Yes, we do repairs. I'm personally all for repairing over buying new, but I'm not going to get into details of why I'm a fan of sustainability :-)

    In any case, we MUST keep in mind that your A1200 board is questionable.
