Should Turbo Chameleon 2 be usable with a Datassette?

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • I have an issue with my C64 that my Datassette (a Load-It! model from Phonemark) does not work if I have the TC2 cartridge connected to the C64 as well.

    At boot all the LEDs stay on and the motor of the unit keeps making an odd buzzing noise. (under normal boot sequence, all LEDs should come on and the motor should make a buzzing noise for just a brief period, and then the LEDs should revert to two bars, and the unit stops the noise)

    The Datassette does work well without TC2 cartridge connected.

    I am suspecting that the issue would be a power delivery thing. Although the same issue occurs with not just my original C64 PSU but also with a modern replacement PSU.

    I am thinking about recapping my C64 in case that might be causing problems here (the caps are still the original ones from 1980s), but before I go on soldering, I wanted to verify whether there should be any firmware/ROM issues expected with using Turbo Chameleon 2 cartridge simultaneously with a C64 Datassette? The features that I am looking to use on TC2 are mainly the RR-Net unit connected to it, and the REU expansion. (I recall some disk speed loader carts would disable Datassette functionality, though I am not looking to use any of those)

    I measure my original C64 PSU provides 5.45V in the 5V rail - (getting dangerously high); whereas the replacement PSU (this Keelog model…pply_digital_00mgr_14.jpg ) states 4.9V under load. It seems that my original C64 PSU works a bit better, sometimes the Datassette does clear the LED bars at boot with the original PSU. Again making me suspect it could be a power thing that's puzzling me here.

  • TC64 disables the CPU in the C64 and uses it's own implementation of the CPU, so the tape port won't work because it depends on the CPU. Reason they have done it like this is to get Turbo mode to work. You can also load a blank core slot to disable your TC64, instead of unplugging it.

  • Yes, this is due to how the C64 works, anything "external CPU" will halt the internal CPU and make the tape port unusable (as that is directly connected to the internal CPU)