ZZ9000 and AmiTCP?

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  • I have a Amiga 4000 with ZZ9000 and AmiTCP but i need information about how to configure the network interface. I have the latest AmigaOS and latest ZZ9000 firmware, installer 1.13, 3.1.4 roms, latest P96. Any idea how to make AmiTCP(Icomp) work with my ZZ9000? A step by step guide would be really great.

  • I have no ZZ9000, but it should behave like any other interface.

    At first, try this:

    - download latest ZZ9000 drivers

    - copy ZZ9000net.device to AmiTCP:Devs/Networks

    - edit AmiTCP:db/interfaces and add line:

    zz9000 DEV=devs:Networks/ZZ9000Net.device unit=0

    start AmiTCP normally and from menu Advanced... select zz9000 interface

    if it not works and you have working installation of AmiTCP, maybe some zz9000 owner here helps you, or try directly mnt forum.

  • What sailor said - that should be it.

    The 'Network' tool does no major magic besides managing the configuration files in AmiTCP4:db/ .

    We have just added our own network drivers and a few other popular ones to the db/interfaces file as presets.

  • It freezes my amiga when i choose zz9000 card. I installed roadshow earlier and renamed the bdsocket otherwise i tries to use that program instead of amitcp. Do i need to reinstall amitcp and zz9000 netcard driver?

  • You might have a conflict with Roadshow - if it was installed before, you may have parts of it still in your user-startup or other startup script. It may not be launched at all if you want to run AmiTCP. You can't have to stacks (and as a result, two bsdsocket libraries) in one system.
