Cropped image on overscan

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi,

    I have an Indivision AGA mk2, connected via DVI to a Samsung SyncMaster 940bx. For the PAL non interlaced resolution I have configured the Indivision to use 800x600 @ 60hz. The picture is great, but with overscanned resolutions the image gets cropped, so big black borders in the overscanned part.. I have no idea how to configure the Indivision to display overscan resolutions. Help is appreciated.

  • I know the MK2 tool is a bit techy, but you can just spend some time to play with the numbers and try them out. It's not as comfortable as the MK3 tool (which is instand and fully graphical), but that's just called "progress" - MK2 was just more complicated to configure.


  • Hi Jens, no need to apologize, figuring stuff like this out is part of the retro computing hobby ;).

    Turrican9, thanks, but how do I use this config? How do I import it?