No in-game graphics or graphic elements

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hello!

    I bought Indivision AGA MK3. I connect a Full HD TV (1920x1080) to the Amiga.

    After setting up, I found that some games are missing all the graphics or graphical elements.

    For example, in King's Valley, there is no graphics at all - a black screen. Only sound is heard.

    In the game Pang, the title page does not show the title "Pang" and the bursting red balloons. Only the OCEAN logo appears at the bottom:

    At the same time, I have an analog TV connected via Composite Video and the picture is fine on it:

    I've tried resetting and restoring but that doesn't help.

  • Indivision AGA MK3 does not have the power to filter certain elements of the GFX. It takes what the Lisa chip outputs and displays that with a faster frame rate. There is no implementation of the Lisa chip in Indivision AGA MK3 (unlike the ECS version, which contains an instance of Denise, plus the flicker fixer).

    You will find that the same (non)=gfx is shown on the DB23. You need to look for the fault somewhere else - Indivision can't be the cause.


  • I connected the Amiga with a DB23 cable to the TV and the graphics are correct:

    If this device is not supposed to process even the image of the gameplay (game), it means that it is not working properly and is useless to me. So I would like to return them.

  • Sure, that's what the right of revocation is for. I have no explanation for the effect you're showing, and I'm *very* confident that it's not the unit itself, but some other cause.


  • It's the same unit, the same Amiga. I can give a photo or video from an analog TV and a digital HDMI TV at the same time where a game is launched on the same Amiga. In one analog TV the graphics are correct with all objects and in the other digital HDMI TV with IAGAMK3 some objects are not visible.

  • The picture on the DB23 is generated by the DAC that takes the exact same 24 data lines that Indivision AGA MK3 also uses. Such selective removal of gfx would mean high-level graphics analysis and modification. There is not enough FPGA power on the product to perform such an action.

    The only thing I can think of is that the blue part of the picture is not passed to the Amiga. However, that would mean that a white line (which is visible in one of the photos) would not be possible. So this "best explanation" is already refuted by the pictures you're providing.

    Do you have a VGA monitor to see if the output is the same on VGA?


  • Wait a sec - could it be that Graffiti emulation is switched on for your MK3? Please check, and try switching it off. Some games might use the Genlock Audio bit in a weird way, possibly resulting in wrong colours to be used (all-black).


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