Mouse pointer translucent (Piccolo SD64)

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  • Hi. I am using P96 on a 1024x768x16-bit screen and I am running AmigaOS 3.2.2. I selected the Big Black mouse pointer in pointer prefs and it is translucent and changes colour when you move it over objects such as a drawer. I would like it to be solid black. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I don't know if it is a Piccolo limitation or OS issue or something else. Thanks.

    Amiga user since 1988.

  • This is not "translucent", but "colour inverted". Please take a look at the FAQ of P96 if you haven't done so yet: The VGA chip on the Piccolo SD64 can only support two sprite colours, and the third is always "invert". There's an entry in the FAQ for that.

    For getting a solig black mouse pointer with your particular hardware, you should edit the pointer to only use the first two colours, and define them in the desired way.


  • Setting SoftSprite worked, now the mouse pointer is correct.

    Now, next up is how to drag screens....I can't pull the workbench down nor drag if I have also IBrowse open on it's own screen. I did not see a tooltype or ENV variable to set to allow screen dragging. The Piccolo SD64 has 2MB of ram and I am using 1024x768x16-bit screen(s).

    Amiga user since 1988.

  • The Piccolo SD64 has 2MB of ram and I am using 1024x768x16-bit screen(s). one screen takes up 1536 KBytes of memory. A second screen just doesn't fit the on-board graphics memory, so it's natural that you can't drag screens.


  • Hi Jens, yes makes sense. The card has 8 chips for ram, 4 of them are socketed. I wonder if it is possible to upgrade the card to 4MB. I could not find any information online about that so perhaps not.


    Amiga user since 1988.

  • Jens, turned out I had the Piccolo SD64 jumpered wrong. I changed JP2 to Auto Detect Memory (open) and now it reports 4MB. I can also drag screens too. It will only drag if there is actually a screen open. If there is not you cannot drag Workbench down to show nothing (black) behind it. This is how it works on the Amiga chipset I believe. You can drag workbench down and it will show black if there is nothing behind it.

    Nevertheless, it's working now!


    Amiga user since 1988.

  • Screen dragging on VGA cards is substantially different, as VGA cards don't have a copper like the Amiga does. They always need "something" to display, so the only possibility to re-create the behaviour of the Amiga chipset would be to keep an empty screen in the background. For such a useless action, I think that's a bit too much effort. RTG is about displaying things on improved hardware, not hide things outside the visible area.


  • Agreed. useless but cool :) Thanks for your support - it is much apprciated. Glad to have the dragging now and a 4MB Piccolo :)

    Amiga user since 1988.

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