Buddha Flash 20th + IDE SDCARD adapter

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  • Hi

    French here sorry for my English.

    I have a Buddha and this IDE SDCARD adapter (https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B08R9DFDFR?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) on a A3000.

    So when I connect on this (IDE adapter) port power there is no activity card, and if I not connected power there is some activity but not suffisant power for recognize all SDCard (only 31MB on 16GB)

    I don't understand the problem.

    Thx for ur reply

  • Please get information from the vendor of that adapter about ATA X3T9 compatibility. In most cases, these adapters violate every standard there is.

    Please note that Buddha is an IDE controller, not an SD controller.

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