Retro Replay NTSC won't boot most of the time

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • The NTSC Retro Replay cartridge (either 3.8a or 3.8y) will load from SD card through the file browser and then display either a standard empty blue/light-blue C64 screen with the READY. prompt in the top left and a flashing cursor, or some fragment of "FILENAME:" in the top-left corner instead of jumping into the RR menu screen. If I go to the TC64's file browser and select it again, and again, and again, it will eventually work. About 1 in 10 tries works.

    This happens when attached to my NTSC C64C or in standalone mode in NTSC. The PAL RR cart files work every time in either NTSC or PAL mode system (but of course won't load programs from disk properly in NTSC mode due to timing).

    The NTSC Action Replay 5 crt image works every time in NTSC as well. This only seems to affect the RR NTSC images. When selecting the images in the file browser, it identifies them as type 36, "8k game" cartridge as well, if that matters.

    The crt files are the same that I've used in Vice and I checked that the file wasn't damaged on the SD card by comparing the hashes.

    This is on firmware 9q on a TC64 v2.

  • What exactly do you mean by "The NTSC Retro Replay cartridge (either 3.8a or 3.8y) will load from SD card through the file browser"? The Cartridge isnt really involved at all when using the file browser (actually disables the cartridge) - so what exactly are you doing? And is this with a clean config?

  • What I'm doing is selecting the cartridge to be mounted in slot 4, which is set to Retro Replay type. I have it set to auto use that slot, so just hitting Return on it in the file browser activates it. Happens even after choosing "restore defaults" (and then using slot 1 as that's been defined as RR in the defaults). I also tried this with TC64 beta9h release, and it happens there too.

    Yes, it happens in standalone mode as well as in cartridge mode.

    It's odd and my first assumption would be the crt image is bad, but I've deleted it, copied it back over and verified the resulting file is the same as the source and it still happens. Does it happen to anyone else?

  • Quote

    The RR fastloader doesn't like any more than one IEC drive on the bus.

    Uhm, no - That works just fine :)

    I just tried the following (using 9q in standalone mode)

    - restore settings

    - emu drive 1: #8

    - default cartridge: slot2 (not 1, 1 is the PAL image!)

    - write settings

    Now i can go to the filebrowser, press enter on files, and they start just fine as expected.

    (any other NTSC RR image than the 3.8y that comes with the chameleon firmware is buggy btw)

  • I didn't know there were cartridge images built into the firmware. I was always attaching them from CRT files on the SD card through the file browser.

    The built in one does indeed work just fine, every time.


  • By Monday i meant Thursday! :)

    - restore settings

    - emu drive 1: #8

    - default cartridge: slot4

    - VICII:ntsc

    - write settings

    - mount RR ntsc crt image (slot4)

    loading programs from the file browser works just fine for me


  • The problem turned out to be the SD card. I noticed I was unable to create new D64 images through the file browser. It would error out and create a 0 byte file. Put the card into my PC and ran a chkdisk on it and then after that both of those issues were solved.

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