Umilator p96 driver

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  • Hi Jens

    I never asked for a license to a commercial product. Umilator is not going to, and never will be, released as a commercial product.

    It is 20+ year old code, that will not run on any modern platform, it's only purpose today is for nostalgic reasons, as it can not be used for anything, other than see what could have been 20+ years ago.

    The CD I have is not even the final product of Umilator, but a late beta product. It have ZERO commercial value to anyone.

    If you want to be compensated for Amihlon sales, or the loss that P96 has been making for iComp., This is not the right place for that.

    Kind Regards

    Lasse Bodilsen

  • Ive got no stake in this, I don't own a copy of Amithlon or even an Amiga anymore. I just emulate via Amiga Forever. But seriously, this is the work of other people from 20 years ago, it's not a commercial product, just a demo CD with severe restrictions. It has no possibility to be turned into a commercial product. But rather than let it be seen for what it is, a unique historical item, you just want people to pay you money for something you can't sell anyway? Why? Because you belatedly bought the rights to some software hoping to score some profit, and it isn't selling very well? That is sad. Sad because other people don't get a chance to see what it was, and could have been, and sad because someone so involved in the Amiga community cares so little for it. You would deny permission for something that can't do any harm, but in fact could be beneficial if you just put your name in a readme file. "Distributed with the kind permission of". Instead, you'd rather people see you as a petty jerk? That's a strange way for a businesses man to present himself to his current and potential customers. Especially in a market as niche as yours.