P96 3.3.2, Native chip set driver and problem in Deluxe Paint

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • What might be the problem?

    DPaint has a very old code base that might directly poke the chipset, so some blitter calls may not be emulated by P96, because it just can't see them. I'm not even aware if DPaint4 is RTG-compatible. Is it listed/advertised as that?

  • I'm not even aware if DPaint4 is RTG-compatible. Is it listed/advertised as that?

    Thank you for fast reply. I am not aware if DPIV is RTG compatible. But Tomas Richter asked me to open up a bug report, I thought he might have look at this issue.


  • Hi Jens, I was informed by Thomas that he probably found a solution and there might be a betaversion for me.


  • Right - please send me an eMail or tell me your order ID, I can send you a beta version if you have a valid license.

  • Hello Jens, my order ID is 126177. I did the purchase 10 days ago (14. 12. 2022). Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  • Found it, left a note in the back end and will send you the beta as soon as I have physical access to my office computer.

  • Thank you for access to the new version. I just updated the previous version of P96 and have done some basic testing, it seems the glitches in DP IV disappeared. If I run in any trubles, I'll let you know. Thank you very much.

  • Sorry to inform you, but I forgot to copy the Native driver to DEVS:Monitors. After I do so, the problem with glitches in DP IV persists. The glitches are the same, there is neither more or less of them. So the situation is the same, as it was at the beginning. I'll understand if it can't be fixed.

  • THis almost sounds like the wrong rtg.library - please double-check with a "version rtg.library" command. The proper location for this lib is in the LIBS:Picasso96 directory. You should avoid having multiple rtg.library versions in multiple locations.

  • Just to be sure, I searched the whole system disk, but I really only have one rtg.library. It's located in LIBS:Picasso96 directory. The version is 43.414 (18. 12. 2022). This library is also properly initialized by the system.

    There is also Picasso96API.library, which is located directly in LIBS: Version of this library is 2.440 (29. 8. 2022).

  • Thor just mentioned that he was testing using DPaint 5, not 4, so there may be something even more weird. He says that DPaint 5 is working on his setup.

    Does it have to be DPaint4 for you? Can you try DPaint5 to see if the problem goes away?

  • I didn't notice this problem in Deluxe Paint V, even in the previous version of P96. The problem is only in DP IV. But if it's too complicated, I'll understand if it can't be fixed.

  • Thor has now dissected the part of DPaint4: It's really poking the blitter directly, so there's no chance for P96 to intercept the access and re-direct it to the gfx card. DPaint5 has been improved on that part, as it's doing a CPU-blit, probably because AGA became more popular, and CPU operation became faster - that's just my part of speculation - the information here is that we have to call it "impossible" indeed. At least we tried and learned that the old DPaint code base has been used up to DPaint4.

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